Gerry Zeitlin
Spanish version
from Zeitlin Website
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable
from magic." - Cliché by
Arthur C. Clarke "Profiles of The Future", 1961
it's not his fault it's a cliché. It wasn't one when he wrote it and
actually it's an honor to have one's thought repeated 282,000 times on the
Internet (according to a recent search). Apparently people - many of them
within the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)
community - love to say this thing. But how many take the time to think
what it means?
For instance: when we see what we take to be magic, could we be
looking at a sign of advanced technology?
A preposterous
suggestion. It's logically valid, of course, but so hypothetical. Who sees
magic anyway?
Noted author Paul Von Ward, writing in Gods, Genes, and
Consciousness (see Open SETI Forums II) shows
how man's early contact with what he calls Advanced Beings, gave
rise to magical interpretations and magical religions, leading directly
down the line to today's supernatural religions and belief in
God. Directly.
People today who practice religion and believe in God
- including members of the very SETI community just mentioned - have
accepted for their personal and public truth the degraded remnants of the
effects of early encounters with "Advanced Beings", however abhorrent they
may find this assertion to be.
But "magic" itself never
disappeared. It has remained important and an important influence on human
society down the ages into the present. There are many many examples of
the practice of magic within our society.
But it doesn't "work",
right? Many practitioners would say that it does.
Do you suppose they might have some reason for saying so?
And if it does, could there still be an advanced technology
lurking in the background?
And if there is, could there be technology lurking behind
religion as well?
Welcome to War in Heaven. This book was self-published by Kyle
Griffith in 1988 and has long been out of print; Griffith's
publishing company no longer exists, and his whereabouts had been unknown
for years.
present here a detailed summary of the book.
Griffith has responded to this publication, is now in touch with Open SETI, and is planning a public presence on
the web. Meanwhile Griffith has endorsed these notes and supports their
Note: A
complete digital copy of War in
Heaven is now available on the Internet for free download. See
Kyle Griffith's post in the War in Heaven Forum for more information.
Part One, the introduction to the book proper, is not
included here, but portions of it will eventually be reproduced on this
website or in the associated War in Heaven Forum. For example, an excerpt
concerning the origins of materialistic science is available under the
title The Copernican Compromise.
The remainder of War in Heaven (WiH) consists of
a dialog between Griffith and a "disembodied spirit" who claimed to be a
member of a group calling itself The Invisible College. The
format consists of questions and answers. Griffith states that the answers
were received by automatic writing and read back to the
contacted entity for review and correction. The questions and answers that
appear in the text are actually the result of several iterations of review
and discussion.
The material thus generated is both convincing and
compelling, and appears to be of vital importance to human society. That
is a claim we see all the time; this time I submit that the claim is truly
Since there is at the moment no other way for readers to
gain access to the ideas or information expressed in WiH, I am undertaking
to summarize the key points here, and where appropriate on various
pages of the Open SETI website. Use the Open SETI search engine to
locate specific information related to WiH.
The intent was to use
this material to enrich the discussions on those pages. Whatever could not
be used in that manner, and yet seemed crucial, was placed here on this
page. The reader should be warned. This book is of direct concern to SETI.
Yet it is about religion. It is about magic. And magic, at times, is about
These matters are all about the past, present, and future
situation of the human race.
Invisible College (1)
explained in Open SETI, on the Soul Technology page, there
is a type of matter having the same atomic and molecular structure as
physical matter, but whose particles are much less dense, and whose
gravitation does not interact with physical matter. This is called
astral matter in WiH.
Every human has a somatic soul, closely resembling the
physical body but made of astral matter, and an astral soul, also made
of astral matter, which comprises the more permanent self. Astral souls
may or may not equate to higher selves as discussed in A Synthetic
Spirits are simply astral souls
operating without somatic souls and physical bodies.
Invisible College that is mentioned in occult literature
does indeed exist as a political organization of
Hundreds of thousands of spirits from worlds with
advanced technological civilizations have been sent to Earth by their
governments to work with the Invisible College to assist
humans in fighting a war to liberate ourselves from the oppression and
exploitation of Theocracy. This seems to be an important form of
interplanetary contact, which is why it is discussed in the context of
Open SETI.
Disembodied spirits are forced to incarnate after a
few years. When they do, they lose most of the memories they brought
with them, especially after repeated reincarnations. However, they, as
well as many native Earth people, can learn to communicate with the
discarnate Invisible College on a completely conscious level.
This requires "proper psychic training".
Any human being can
receive telepathic messages from the Invisible College
Invisible College members consider
themselves ordinary people like ourselves. Their previous bodies, on
their home worlds, may or may not have resembled ours, but they are
based on the same basic genetic code.
The home worlds possess
what we would call advanced knowledge in many scientific and humanistic
fields. Of particular importance is their capability with psychic energy
that can produce changes in astral matter. That technology was used to
send them here, but they were not able to bring their equipment with
Although there must have been other interventions over a
long period of time, the intervention of the Invisible College
took place in the late Middle Ages.
The Invisible College has been manipulating the
development of human civilization on Earth ever since.
motives are both altruistic and selfish. Had they not
intervened, the human race would have evolved in directions that posed a
serious threat to their own worlds and space colonies. So they are
fighting a "preventive war" on their own behalf, but they also feel the
overwhelming majority of Earth people will support their cause once they
are able to explain the situation fully.
They operate mostly by
influencing the subconscious minds of Earth people. Although we might
want to call this unethical, they maintain that they taught us many of
our philosophical concepts. They come from civilizations that actually
practice "human dignity and rights," "individual sovereignty," "social
justice," "consent of the governed," and "equality of opportunity".
Anyway, they say, "We are at war here, and we are fighting on
your behalf as well as our own."
They must practice these social
values, because they possess technology that would totally eliminate
individuality if they did not have sufficient social, political, and
ethical knowledge to keep the technology under control.
societies live with this threat, and we will eventually have to live
with it too. But the greatest danger we face in the next few decades
(written in January 1987), is that Theocracy and our exploding
population will cause a spiritual cataclysm that will destroy the human
race as it now exists and threaten their civilizations too if it goes
unchecked. They will probably be able to avert catastrophe and guide
these upheavals in constructive directions, but the fate of many Earth
people will still depend on their own actions.
Therefore the information in WiH is provided to help us prepare
Theocratic Bands
The concept of a Theocrat as a human who chooses to exert
power over and ultimately to consume other humans, rather than to
undergo reincarnation, was introduced on the Open SETI Soul Technology
Griffith's Invisible College contact states
that many notorious tyrants, conquerors, evil religious leaders, black
magicians, and criminals have become Theocrats after death, but
so have some people whom history calls saints or benign
geniuses. This is due to the well-known tendency of power to
corrupt, not to mention the prospect of achieving immortality (though
most are eventually destroyed by other Theocrats).
has been especially true of people who were religiously devout, and then
found out the horrible truth about their Gods after death.
If they were too powerful for the Theocrats to enslave and
devour, some became members of the Invisible College to fight
Theocracy, but others became Theocrats
Theocrats as a class have ruled both the
Earth and its astral plane throughout most of human history. This
includes most of the medieval Popes and other religious leaders
notorious for being cynical and power-hungry. It also includes many
famous occult leaders, from Cagliostro down to Aleister
The Theocrats' method of absorbing
energy from other spirits affects their growth patterns, causing their
astral soul to go out of balance, and eventually driving them into
irrational, insane, and self-destructive
Theocrats acquire bands of enslaved spirits,
containing from a couple of dozen to several thousand, with the average
in the low hundreds.
The daily activities of a Fundamentalist
Theocratic band organized as Heaven are similar to a church service
on Earth, except that they go on perpetually. The Theocrat in
charge poses as the Lord God Jehovah, and
subordinate Theocrats pose as Christ,
various Angels and Apostles, and so forth. God
quotes the same Biblical passages and preaches the same sermons as
preachers in the corresponding sect do on Earth, and the congregation
joins in singing the same hymns.
Dead Fundamentalists
in Heaven still have to confess their sins and receive
divine forgiveness. Christians in Heaven are kept in a perpetual state
of religious ecstasy which activates their psychic powers under the
control of their Gods. This collective energy is
then channeled to perform necessary functions.
Most of the
activities have to do with the survival of the band and especially its
dictator, recruiting new members from among the recently deceased,
stealing souls from other bands, fighting to keep the Invisible
College from liberating members of the band, etc.
There is
"Holy Communion", but as practiced in Heaven, there is nothing more
unholy. All members of a Theocratic band are offered the Host, who is a
rebellious or degenerating member.
Each Theocratic band works
with a corresponding group of living people, whether religious, occult,
political, or of other common interests: popular music, sports, or
centered on other media. Theocrats can be found hanging around
almost any place where crowds gather. (Remember that the astral plane is
not a "place". It is right here, but of a different
Theocrats communicating telepathically to
individual Christians when they pray may call themselves God or
Christ or the Holy Spirit... what ever they believers expect.
They also may claim to be angels or saints or devils as
Some people who deliberately become Satanists on
Earth hold positions of power in "Hell" after they die. The lower
classes of Hell are composed of Christians who believed the basic
mythology but had too little self-confidence to believe themselves
"saved." Who goes to Heaven or Hell is mostly determined
by which particular band of Theocrats gets to them as
they're in the process of dying.
The Moslem, Hindu, and
Buddhist mythologies are also Theocratic institutions designed to
imprison souls of believers in their own forms of Heaven or
With the decline in fanatical belief in organized religion,
Theocrats have devised ways to persuade atheists and agnostics to
join bands organized as any type of community of spirits, such as
previously-deceased relatives or friends, or some famous person they
greatly admire, rock stars, politicians, movie stars, writers and
scientists, even fictional characters.
experiences in which the person's silver cord is not actually broken
represent a major mistake by the Theocrats because they reveal
information about the afterlife that the Theocrats would like to
conceal. Sometimes, members of the Invisible College show up
during the encounter to warn the person that the Theocrats are
imposters who enslave and destroy souls. Although most will not remember
the experience consciously, many are affected by it enough to become
hostile to the Theocratic aspects of religion.
religious sects often forbid deliberate mediumistic contact with the
spirit world precisely because of this need to protect knowledge of the
true nature of the afterlife.
Every single one of the
ideas at the core of traditional deistic doctrine is a lie:
Only God (under whatever name) is good; people are
basically evil and are incapable of improving themselves morally by
their own efforts.
Only God is naturally immortal, but people can gain
immortality through proper service to the Deity.
Human beings can receive forgiveness for their sins, and
divine strength to prop up their various weaknesses, by 'Letting
God into their hearts'... that is, by creating a powerful
psychic bond between themselves and the deity.
The important thing to realize about this whole body of lies is
that it makes people weaker and more evil than they already are, and
increases their dependency on the
Religious Mind
The methodology of religious mind control is what is known
to modern psychologists as "operant conditioning": altering behavior and
mental programming by positive and negative reinforcement on the
physical and sensory level. But Theocrats strengthen this
conditioning by transmitting ideas and emotions directly into people's
subconscious minds by telepathy. And they use people's own psychic
powers to control other members of the congregation.
The key to the technique is putting people into a state of
consciousness best called the "religious trance" -- a mild hypnotic
trance in which the conscious will is awake but passive. People in this
condition are completely aware of what is going on around them, and are
recording these events in their memories exactly as they would in a
normal waking state. They are also capable of thinking and acting
voluntarily, but can do so only within certain very definite limits
without breaking out of the religious trance and assuming normal
People enter a very similar state when they read,
listen to music, watch television or a movie, listen intently to a
lecture or radio broadcast, etc. The passive state of the will is often
called "identification with the sensory intake," which means accepting
the sensory intake uncreatively and uncritically on both the
intellectual and emotional levels. It also means agreeing with the ideas
being presented and feeling the same emotions being described in the
song, story, play, etc.
This is a rather light trance. If the
material being presented begins to contradict the person's existing
opinions or knowledge, identification breaks down. He or she assumes
full normal consciousness and thinks, "I don't agree with this," or "I
don't understand this," or "This is wrong." But identification with
sensory input can make people accept things they would reject if they
were fully conscious, as long as the input isn't controversial or
unfamiliar enough to break their concentration.
But this is just
the first step in entering the religious trance state. Once the
conscious will becomes passive, electrical energy within the nervous
system changes slightly in character, assuming a level closer to that
during sleep than that during normal wakefulness. In a person fully
trained to enter the religious trance, electrical activity stabilizes at
exactly the right level to allow an equal flow of energy into and out of
the astral soul. This allows the "astral will" to awaken partially, and
creates a direct, two-way link between the physical mind and the astral
(Griffith's guide had explained that during incarnated life, a
human's physical and astral mind normally alternate in being conscious,
the former when "awake", and the latter when "asleep.")
allows information to pass reasonably freely between the physical mind
and the astral mind and vice versa. Also, the physical mind can receive
impressions from the psychic senses of the astral soul more or less
directly. This type of trance is controlled by outside sensory input
into both the physical and astral minds. It is a passive state used to
control and brainwash people.
When religious believers say they
"feel the presence of God" at church services, they are referring
to telepathic communication. Most of this intake comes from other
members of the congregation; this is usually a more powerful influence
than anything sent by spirits.
So there is a sort of "psychic
chain reaction" that occurs, as every member of the congregation
influences the emotions and thinking of every other member, like a box
of matches catching fire or an atomic chain reaction. This process
creates a "religious group mind."
This state of religious ecstasy
generates large amounts of psychic energy. Part of that energy
may be directly absorbed by any Theocratic spirits present, but most of
it is diverted back into the physical mind of the members of the
congregation to indoctrinate them with whatever the
Theocrats want them to believe or feel or do. This is the essence
of religious mind control.
In other words, a Theocratic spirit
sends a telepathic message into the minds of people in such a state of
religious ecstasy, and they generate powerful surges of
telepathically-transmitted emotion that program them to believe and act
on the messages they receive. For example, the idea "Abortion is murder"
might generate powerful feelings of hate, whereas "All Christians shall
be as brethren" might generate feelings of familial love among all the
members of the congregation.
People being controlled by this
method enjoy it more than anything else in life. It is highly
addictive. Theocrats make the religious mind-control
process as addictive as possible to enslave believers. The whole
vicious circle of sin, guilt, and forgiveness was deliberately designed
to create a cycle of addiction that is almost impossible to
The last thing Theocrats want is for religious
believers to stop sinning. That is why they made sexual pleasure a
sin. Sexual desire originates on the biochemical level and cannot be
extinguished by manipulating the programming of the mind. (In this
context, "mind" is defined as "The information stored in the brain, plus
the software for retrieving and processing that
Theocrats do not confine their activities
to religion and occultism, but corrupt and control human beings through
all activities that produce certain states of altered consciousness.
Examples include using electronic media for passive recreational
purposes -- listening to popular music over the radio or on recordings,
watching televised sports events and game shows, and playing the simpler
computer games.
The Theocrats know a lot more about
psychology than people do. In a crude analogy with computers, it is as
though people can handle data input and output, and some have enough
professional skills to modify some programs slightly, but the
Theocrats not only know the software far more completely, but
also have much easier access to the special "command mode" used to
modify it. This command mode is the telepathic chain reaction used in
religious mind control.
Of course, trained human psychics also
have access to it, and so do spirits in the Invisible
College, but it is still extremely difficult to free people from
Theocratic control. The mind of the average person is run by software
designed by the Theocrats to keep people from consciously finding
out they exist. they simply can't understand or believe it, because the
very mental programs they use for understanding and believing things,
and drawing rational conclusions from certain kinds of information, were
designed by the Theocrats.
In their explanation of the
Theocrats' programming techniques, Griffith's guides note that
memory storage and retrieval in the human mind is a cumulative rather
than an absolute process. Data has to be received repeatedly, if details
are to be recorded, and should be periodically retrieved. Otherwise it
will be automatically forgotten.
An organism's behavioral
response to stimuli depends on the quantity and quality of reinforcement
that it receives for performing that response. What was described as the
"religious trance state" occurs in many different places besides
religious services, enabling Theocrats to practice mind control
on crowds attending sporting events, in gambling casinos,
at political rallies, during musical concerts of many
types, and in a number of other places.
The Invisible
College used the rock concerts, peace demonstrations, "love-ins,"
and similar events of the Sixties for exactly the same purposes. Before
that, Griffith's guides state, they used meetings of fraternal
organizations, a variety of progressive political meetings, and even the
circuses and carnivals that used to visit every American village and
town, as the Theocrats used, and still use, touring revival
meetings. Both groups practice religious mind control to reprogram
people whenever they get the opportunity.
I personally was
involved with an "esoteric group" which at the time of the Apollo lunar
landing in 1969 was asked to inject a certain concept into the mass mind
of the human race while it was distracted or in a light trance state
watching the landing on television. The concept had nothing whatever to
do with the landing event.
was expressed as follows:
"Individual responsibility interacting social responsibility."
The peculiar syntax was emphatically confirmed and the reason for
this is anything but obvious; no explanation was given. This was the
kind of mind control we are discussing here, and I was participating as
a sort of junior or apprentice controller! This experience confirms that
such activities do take place. I believe it came from the Invisible
College, not Theocrats.
Griffith's guides state that
even though most of the individual facts that make up the model of
spiritual reality presented in this book are already available to the
public, very few people are capable of assembling them into a coherent
theory. This is because the mental programs they use to draw conclusions
from information on spiritual subjects were deliberately designed by the
Theocrats to be illogical and irrational.
Seventeen years
after the book was published, I have scanned the Internet looking for
any signs that the book had made an impact or is even remembered today.
I found only two or three references on the Web, and to me they seemed
to be from people who were completely demented. This caused me
momentarily to question my own sanity!
But I decided to go with the model that the book is not that bad,
and that I am probably sane.
As part of the discussion being
summarized here, the book goes into a long description of how principles
of positive and negative reinforcement are used to maintain people's
beliefs. Rituals, for example, are of great value when they
remain relatively stable. This is one of the principal reasons why
Theocratic religion is socially and politically conservative or
According to basic behaviorist theory, the book
states, human personality, including the mental programs that people use
to evaluate data and decide what is true and false, is conditioned into
them by their physical environment. Even if you leave direct telepathic
programming during religious mind control out of the picture, people
still receive their programming from both their physical and social
environments. Programming from the physical environment usually favors
empirical thinking, which the Invisible College strongly encourages, but
that from the social environment favors acceptance of doctrine on
A large part of the customs and beliefs and instinctive
emotional reactions that make up this social environment were created by
Theocratic religion. The further back you go into human history, the
greater the percentage of people who were devout believers in Theocratic
religion and were subjected to religious mind control to a significant
degree throughout their lives.
In the Roman and Greek
civilizations, the vast majority of the populations were devout
believers in Pagan religions that practiced effective religious mind
control. However, there were periodic weakening of religious belief
among certain elements of the population, which allowed important
occult, philosophical, political, and scientific works to be written,
works based on some degree of empirical thinking. But the Greek and
Roman philosophers were just a tiny elitist group of intellectuals. The
majority viewpoint then was not that of Socrates, but that of the
people who condemned him to death.
The hold of Theocratic
religion on most of Earth's living population did not begin to weaken
until the modern era, from about the 1300s down to the present. And even
today, the greater part of the population is still subject to religious
mind control.
Modern civilization does program people with personality
structures that resist religious mind control, but the Theocrats
have been able to counter by resorting to electronic mind
Electronic Mind
1988, the year War in Heaven was published, Internet
communications protocols included remote logins, electronic mail,
bulletin board systems, newsgroups, and file transfers. These were
available to a limited community of mostly professional users. The World
Wide Web as an infrastructure of universal information sharing was still
several years into the future. Undoubtedly if the book were to be
updated, it would take up a discussion of the role of the Web in
supporting a sort of mass mind of humanity.
Griffith's guides begin the discussion of electronic mind
control by noting that the technology works on two different levels,
just as religious mind control does. Recall that religious mind control
works by putting people into an altered state of consciousness similar
to a light hypnotic trance and how the thinking and behavior of people
in such a religious trance can be influenced by what they experience
through the physical senses during the service. In other words, the
preacher's words can have the same effect as post-hypnotic suggestions
during regular hypnosis.
Electronic mind control
does exactly the same thing, and often to an even greater degree. It is
also even more addictive than religious mind control. Like religious
mind control, electronic mind control works on two different levels, one
physical and one psychic.
The physical level can be directly
observed with the physical senses and analyzed with the conscious
intellect. Many researchers have described the uses of
subliminals in media and how to spot them.
The psychic
component of electronic or media mind control employs completely
different mechanisms and one needs to be careful not to confuse
It is also important to distinguish between the psychic
phenomena of religious mind control, which function most efficiently
when the people or spirits involved are spatially close to another, as
though the effect were broadcast and subject to inverse-square-law
energy radiation, and a second, non-broadcast system for transmitting
and receiving energies between human souls.
Reminiscent of the old Greek myth about the "Threads of Destiny"
woven by the Goddesses called the Fates, threads actually exist,
but they aren't woven by superhuman beings. They are "transmission
lines" of astral matter connecting one soul to another, and they allow
telepathic communications over greater distances and with greater power
than can be accomplished by ordinary "broadcast" telepathy.
threads are created spontaneously when astral souls come into contact
with one another while generating large amounts of psychic energy.
Whenever the astral mind is in the correct state of consciousness,
generating these threads is as natural and automatic as the process that
spiders use to leave a silk strand behind them when they travel. Added
to the material about religious mind control given in the previous
section, this additional theoretical information explains how television
evangelists can exert a direct psychic influence over their
congregations from a distance.
The process has two possible
starting points. First, people who regularly attend Christian church
services dominated by the Theocrats are urged to watch certain
television evangelists and to listen to designated religious radio
broadcasts. Over the years, an elaborate network of astral transmission
lines has been built up to link the religious broadcasters to the clergy
of Theocratic congregations all over the country, and through them, to
the masses of ordinary members.
These psychic threads are put in
place when radio and TV preachers are invited to hold services at
church conventions, or when a group of churches hosts a large local
revival meeting with a media evangelist, or someone working for one, as
a guest. This method is used primarily to link the churches to the
hundreds of second-rank broadcast evangelists with regional or local
media followings. The superstar evangelists who already have
national followings reverse this procedure: they invite the ministers
and elders of selected churches all over the country to visit their
studios and become part of the in-house congregation during their
broadcasts. In either case, psychic linkages are established between the
media evangelist and the local churches.
Some of the more
ambitious TV evangelists have also directly linked large numbers
of ordinary members of Theocratic congregations - and hundreds of
thousands of new converts as well - into their electronic mind control
networks by periodically holding huge, live revival meetings. (They are
often held in major sports stadiums, which, as will be shown shortly, is
especially appropriate.) This is why several of the major evangelists
have started colleges, and why one TV ministry even built its own
imitation of Disneyland.
But the media networks used by the TV
evangelists are not the most important electronic mind control networks
in the United States right now. The Theocrats have another mind
control network that enslaves large numbers of people who have little or
no interest in organized religion. It's centered around major spectator
sports, organized gambling, and the communications media that service
both, and it controls more people than all the Fundamentalist churches
and TV evangelists combined. It doesn't program people's surface
thinking and behavior as thoroughly as Theocratic religion does, because
there's less verbal-intellectual content, but it's just as effective at
programming their subconscious minds into forming instinctive opinions
favorable to the goals of the Theocrats.
People don't have
to be watching a sermon or listening to a hymn to receive subconscious
telepathic messages from the very same spirits who control
Fundamentalist religion; they only have to be in the correct state of
altered consciousness (which TV and radio produces automatically in all
members of the audience who haven't learned specific techniques for
preventing it), and they have to have the transmission lines of astral
matter implanted in the right part of their soul, linking them into the
(This idea of connecting lines to the right part of the soul
reminds one of Carlos Castañeda's
mention of "shifting the assemblage point," a location on the "luminous
cocoon" of awareness where all the fibers of the universe are focused
into our perception of the universe.)
So live sports events and
casino gambling serve the same function in this network as church
services and revival meetings do in the electronic religious mind
control networks. Compulsive gambling, especially on sports events
through an enormous electronic bookmaking network, plays the same role
as does the cycle of sin/guilt/forgiveness in Theocratic
And the Theocrats are now actively expanding
this form of mind control. Many states have legalized various forms of
gambling that plug people into the networks just described: state
lotteries, horse racing (including off-track betting), bingo, card
parlors, etc. It's no accident that gambling expands on both the
in-person and media levels as the Fundamentalist churches and TV
evangelism decline. The Theocrats are shifting their attention to
activities more natural to the average opinions and lifestyles of
present-day Americans.
Casino gambling in Nevada is one of the
most important battlefields in the war between the
Theocrats and the Invisible College. Once
Theocratic spirits get their control threads on people gambling in the
casinos, they continue to send telepathic messages into the minds of
these people whenever they watch certain television programs, especially
sports events and game shows.
The Invisible College also
uses the Nevada casinos but they will not give a description of what
they do there. But they do mention that (as of 1988 at least) the
electronic mental reprogramming networks of the Theocrats
and the Invisible College have their American Headquarters in Las
the Theocrats are mostly on the Strip and the
Invisible College is mostly Downtown.
this point they suggest that Griffith put in some advice for
people who enjoy recreational gambling. Griffith responds with the
advice that people who want to gamble do it in private games with
friends, or at local bingo or card clubs if such are legal where they
live. These forms of gambling can still plug people into an electronic
mind-control network, but they're less dangerous than the Nevada
casinos. Going to Reno or Vegas or Atlantic City to gamble for fun would
be like going “out on the town” in Saigon during the late Sixties.
There's a war on, and the innocent can get caught up in it as
easily as the combatants.
People who disregard this advice and go
to Nevada to gamble anyway can minimize the danger if they are careful
to remain in a normal state of consciousness. This means: don't sample
the free drinks, and above all, don't gamble for more than an hour at a
time. If you get at all intoxicated or spaced out from fatigue, the
Theocrats can put you into the same type of trance that people go
into at religious services, and start brainwashing you.
They can
also make you lose more money than you intended to risk. This now
happens to the majority of people who go to the Nevada casinos just to
have a good time. Electronic interstate banking, allowing cash advances
on almost any credit card right in the casinos, is partly responsible
for this, but the major reason is simply that the War in Heaven is
hotter than ever before, and both sides are generating a lot more
psychic force.
Gambling is just as addictive as alcohol or
heroin. The Theocrats love to turn people into compulsive
gamblers. That suits their purposes just as well as turning them into
Jesus-addicts needing their weekly fix of “divine forgiveness of
The Invisible College does even more electronic
mind control than the Theocrats (1988), working mostly through
popular music and pop culture in general. Once people have been to a
certain number of live rock concerts, whether huge ones in sports
stadiums or small ones in clubs, then they are permanently linked into a
media mind control network run by the Invisible College, and they
receive subconscious telepathic messages every time they listen to the
right kind of music on the radio or on their own stereo systems.
The song lyrics perform the same function in this process as
sermons do in religious media mind control.
It's hard to hear the
channeled messages in song lyrics. Most of them are subliminal
unless you go to special efforts to pick them out word by word, and when
you do extract them, they're written in an elaborate jargon and code.
People who are part of the mind control network learn a deep instinctive
understanding of this code, but few can paraphrase the content of the
messages into plain English.
The Invisible College does
use sports and gambling for reprogramming when they can seize control of
part of the network, while the Theocrats have a large and
powerful following in the popular music world.
The Invisible
College has a word of advice to conscious psychics and magicians who
may be hostile to all forms of involuntary mental reprogramming: they
can help people learn to defend themselves consciously against it by,
for example, employing “clearing” rituals, which should be widely and
publicly performed.
Of course, this will also knock out
“beneficial mind-control linkages” so they recommend people be prepared
to create new beneficial linkages of their own. But even if this is not
done, it is still more important to break the Theocratic linkages. The
Invisible College would rather see people completely free of
control linkages than enslaved to the Theocrats.
At this
point, the discussion touched on sex and drug magic. Millions of
Americans now practice relatively advanced forms of sex and drug magic
without bothering to learn the intellectual knowledge traditionally
associated with such practices in both the East and the West. Many such
experimenters have been hurt trying this, but a large number have gotten
to the point where they can channel down instructions directly from
However, because they have never bothered to learn the associated
spiritual, cosmological, philosophical, and ethical systems, they are
almost totally ignorant of how to identify the political faction a
particular spirit belongs to on the astral plane, so their channeled
information is usually a mishmash from many different
The History of
Stages of Theocracy
First |
Tribal Shamanism |
Second |
Mass human sacrifice |
Third |
God-Kings |
Fourth |
Major modern religions |
Fifth |
To be discussed later |
The chief characteristic of first-stage Theocratic religions is
tribal shamanism of the type that produced the Alta Mira cave
paintings thousands of years ago. First stage theocratic religions
have never entirely died out, and still exist among certain tribes of
North American Indians, Africans, and Australian Aborigines. But most
have been evolving into more advanced types or have been replaced with
outside religions since these peoples came into contact with foreigners
over the past few hundred years.
The terms "primitive" and
"advanced" are from the viewpoint of the Theocrats, who judge a
religious system by how well it allows them to control every phase of
human thinking and behavior, especially the conscious use of the psychic
(This reminds us of the term "Advanced Beings" (AB)
employed by Paul Von Ward to designate beings who have the power
to control the relationship with ordinary Earth humans. See the Open SETI Forum on Gods, Genes, and Consciousness.)
Actually most first-stage Theocratic religions teach extremely
sophisticated and effective psychic-development systems. This is what
makes them primitive - in the sense of "crude and inefficient" - from
the viewpoint of the Theocrats.
The shamans who serve as
clergy are conscious psychics, and their religious services are usually
conducted with the entire congregation in a psychic trance. For this
reason, the majority of people in these societies who learned
significant psychic skills in a previous lifetime have an opportunity to
develop them consciously during the present lifetime. This is in direct
contrast to the more advanced forms of Theocratic religion, which
discourage conscious, independent psychic activity, and employ
the religious trance rather than the psychic trance.
religious elite composed of shamans is much harder for the
Theocrats to control than one composed of clerical or secular
rulers who submit to religious mind control. A shaman is much more
likely to put his or her own psychic development above the telepathic
commands of the Theocrats. Also, shamanistic mythologies often
contain major elements of the truth about Theocracy, and so teach people
an instinctive aversion for mind control and enslavement by
Most shamanistic religions teach that some spirits eat
souls. However, the information is usually encoded in such a way that
the believers, including the shamans, do not realize that the "Eaters of
Souls" are their own Gods. Instead, the Eaters of Souls
are said to be the Gods of enemy tribes, or spirits that
are very different from human beings (such as the Windigos of
various Amerind tribes), or the ghosts of human criminals and outcasts.
The shamantic religions usually teach that the tribe's own
Gods protect people from the Eaters of Souls.
the powers of the Eaters of Souls are exaggerated. Most of the
legends say they can steal the souls of living people, except those of
the most powerful shamans. And this idea hasn't died out at all. It's
present in the writings of H.P. Lovecraft, in the
modern Fundamentalist propaganda about demonic possession, and in the
extant first-stage religions themselves. For example, the present-day
Navajos still have powerful instinctive fears of witches and
shape-changers, and much of their traditional religious practice is
intended as a defense against these evil beings.
At this point,
Griffith states that he himself feels a deep instinctive fear that maybe
the Theocrats can in fact forcibly take over the minds of living
people or somehow damage their souls. His guides respond by saying that
he learned this from a psychic and social environment that is dominated
to some extent by the Theocrats and their propaganda. But they
are liars. Their control over people is indirect, exercised mostly by
programming the subconscious mind. They can't overwhelm the conscious
will of any normal person, only the wills of people with seriously
damaged physical or astral minds; and they can't directly harm or
enslave the soul when it is incarnated.
At a certain point in the
future, the Theocrats will probably become more powerful. This
subject will be treated in a later part of the book. But the
Invisible College states that it is nothing to be unduly alarmed
about, because they are prepared to deal with it.
At any rate,
first-stage Theocratic religion is far less efficient than the more
advanced stages of Theocratic religion in providing nourishment for the
Theocrats, because it doesn't provide much opportunity for them
to enslave and devour the souls of believers after death. The souls of
shamans don't allow the Theocrats to control them on the astral
plane. Either they reincarnate, or they set themselves up as independent
Theocrats in their own right.
The whole religious system
encourages people to practice conscious psychic development techniques
and to become shamans themselves if they have the necessary talent.
Since the shamans enjoy political power and social prestige, there is
strong motivation for psychic development, even though the training
methods such primitive societies employ are usually laborious, painful,
and dangerous.
As to the non-shamans in those societies, they
usually can't be enslaved by the Theocrats either, because their
fears of the Eaters of Souls keep them from approaching their
Gods after death. They expect to become fearful wanderers
after death, and that's exactly what happens. Sometimes the
Theocrats manage to catch them and persuade them to put
themselves under direct telepathic hypnosis, but that's the exception
rather than the rule. So the Theocrats of a primitive shamanistic
religion are usually quite short-lived. Often, deceased shamans try
being Theocrats for a while.
Then they have to reincarnate to keep from literally starving to
Second Stage
The second stage of Theocratic religion involves mass human
sacrifice and usually cannibalism on a large scale as well. The Aztecs
practiced it until about five hundred years ago, and some of the ancient
Middle Eastern people did also, starting about five thousand years
Such practices were also part of many primitive shamanistic
religions. The difference is in the scale of the sacrifices and
cannibalism. The second-stage Theocratic religions became possible only
when human societies started to become densely populated and highly
organized. Such societies built cities and had reasonably sophisticated
farming techniques. They also had large, powerful governments and highly
organized armies that fought major wars.
Second-stage theocratic
societies, then, were large, densely populated, totalitarian, and
practiced human sacrifice on a large scale. The most important factor is
deism: belief in Gods that are omnipotent or at least
significantly superhuman. This separates the higher levels of Theocratic
religion from primitive shamanism, which considers the
Gods rather similar to earthly shamans, except that they
are disembodied spirits.
Often they are simply called "the Spirits of Our Ancestors" or
"The Shamans in the Spirit World."
Cannibalism was practiced only
by those second-stage Theocratic societies that were short of red meat
in their diet -- the Aztecs and the ancient Polynesians, for example,
who didn't have many domesticated food animals.
The reason that
second-stage Theocratic religion practiced mass human sacrifice was to
supply the Theocrats with a constant food supply. When the
victims were killed as part of a large public religious ceremony, the
telepathic chain reaction generated by a congregation in the religious
trance was sufficient to put the victims' astral souls into a hypnotic
trance before death. When they were suddenly and violently killed, the
Theocrats were usually able to get control of the souls before
they had a chance to flee. This is one of the few examples in the
history of Theocracy where the Theocrats were able to seize souls
by force, and they could do it only with the help of large numbers of
living people.
Today's Theocrats, all of them, like to see
cultists do terrible things such as performing human sacrifice, even
though they don't usually get control of the soul of the sacrificial
victim (because there aren't enough people present at such ceremonies to
generate sufficient psychic power). They support any practice that gives
occultists and others outside Theocratic religion a bad
Griffith asked why so much less is known about
second-stage Theocratic societies and their religions than about either
primitive shamanism or more advanced societies. It seemed to him that
the ancient Egyptians and Hebrews were not societies with second-stage
Theocratic religions.
The guides replied that both were in the
third stage when they first appeared in written historical records, and
archaeological evidence shows that they probably went directly from the
first stage to the third, as did the Greeks and the rest of the Western
Aryan peoples. The second stage of Theocratic religion was a failed
experiment from the Theocratic point of view. And from the human point
of view, such societies were so repugnant that few people want to learn
much about them. This is why historians have written so little about
And this is the reason why the Romans so utterly
obliterated Carthage. The Carthaginians practiced human sacrifice. Now,
the Romans did also, through most of their history: gladiatorial fights
to the death and throwing people to the lions are definitely in that
category. But the Roman religion was third-stage, not second-stage.
Human sacrifices were only a small, atavistic detail in Roman paganism,
not the main focal point of the whole religious system that they were to
the Carthaginians.
The main reason that second-stage Theocratic
religion has been quite rare in history is simply that it's so cruel and
violent. Societies like that had to fight endless wars against their
neighbors or else enslave and sacrifice a significant portion of
their own population. Either way, they tended to become unstable
because of the mass violence, or to be conquered by their enemies.
However, the real reason such religions were short-lived is that
they couldn't compete with third- or fourth-stage Theocratic religions
when they came in contact with them.
Third Stage
The third stage of Theocratic religion involves mass animal
sacrifices. Although they prefer human souls, Theocratic spirits can
nourish themselves off the astral souls of lower animals to some extent.
And these souls are easier to paralyze and control with religious
rituals than human souls are. However, the astral tissues of animal
souls aren't very compatible with the astral souls of the
Theocrats, so they are not a good food source. The main reason
the third stage is considered higher than the second is simply that
societies with such a religion can remain stable for long periods of
Third-stage Theocrats tend to be short-lived, except
that they also receive some nourishment from the psychic energy
generated by their worshippers, which is better for them than the animal
souls alone. Even more important, most of the major third-stage
religions have had some fourth-stage components as well. This was
especially true of the ancient Egyptians, Hebrews, Hindus, and Western
Aryan Pagans. Judaism and Vedanta eventually evolved into
fully-developed fourth-stage religions. The others survived for a long
time with a mixture of the two.
One of the chief characteristics
of all third-stage Theocratic religions was that their practices were
not much concerned with the condition of life after death. Greek and
Roman mythology, for example, gave an extremely accurate description of
what the afterlife was actually like for believers in those religions.
Most people simply wandered aimlessly in Hades - the astral plane
- for a few years and then sank into "forgetfulness." The concept of
reincarnation was known, but it was stressed only by a few elite groups
comparable to modern occultists - such as the Greek and Egyptian Mystery
Religious practice in third-stage religions was concerned
almost entirely with gaining the favor of the Gods during
earthly life, not with life after death. The Theocrats running
such religions didn't know how to enslave souls on the astral
plane, so they ignored them.
Instead, they programmed living people to send them the souls of
sacrificed animals, and to broadcast psychic energy during orgiastic
Fourth Stage
The fourth stage of Theocratic religion is the one represented by
all the major modern religions. Its most important characteristic
is that the Theocrats use religious mind control to delude
souls into deliberately putting themselves under Theocratic control
after death, thinking they are entering "eternal bliss in Heaven" or
"union with the Godhead."
The nature of fourth-stage
Theocratic religions has already been adequately
Genes, and Consciousness
Paul Von Ward
Hampton Roads, 2004
of Theocracy vs. Stages of Religion
Stage |
War in Heaven |
Gods, Genes, and Consciousness |
First |
Shamanism |
Naturalistic |
Second |
human sacrifice |
appear. Magical explanations |
Third |
God-Kings |
empower kings and priests. ABs depart. Kings and priests
claim divine rights. |
Fourth |
modern religions |
Supernatural religions |
Fifth |
To be
discussed later |
cannot leave this topic without drawing a comparison with the stages of
religion as outlined by Paul Von Ward in Gods, Genes, and
Note that "religion" does not equate with "Theocracy" as defined
in War in Heaven.
The Theocracy is a particular group of beings and a
power structure. It is largely non-physical.
Religion is a social activity, seemingly organized by
humans in response to a sensed divinity (in the case of
modern religions), but putatively fostered and controlled by the
Von Ward's information is derived from a liberal analysis of
historical and archaeological data. From his sources, he constructs a
model of intervention into a preexisting naturalistic human culture. The
model of Griffith's presentation is derived from non-physical players
who can view the Theocrats on their level of being and action.
The stages described by Griffith are as they are seen from the inside,
as it were, and in terms of the needs and aims of the Theocracy, for
whom the Gods of religions are fictionalized
A crucial difference between the two scenarios is in
the nature of the ABs (Advanced Beings). Griffith's
Theocrats would definitely qualify as belonging to the class of
Von Ward's ABs, but they did not come swooping down onto a humanity in
its naturalistic state, as Von Ward suggests. Rather, in the War in
Heaven scenario, they were already present at that stage. How the
Theocracy arrived or originated is not explained at this point in the
book; it is very clearly dealt with in later chapters.
There is a
second apparent difference suggested by the table above: the nature of
the second stage. Actually this is somewhat spurious. Von Ward would
probably not equate the practice of human sacrifice and
cannibalism with the magical stage of religion, though he would
likely agree that it did take place.
Invisible College (2)
Note: The dialogs between Kyle Griffith and his
guides from the Invisible College, as quoted or characterized in
this section of the notes and throughout the book, may give the
impression that English is the common language used between astral
entities. Of course this cannot be true, and even the status of language
as we know it would be dubious.
Indeed, Griffith clarifies this issue in a private
"...neither the mind contained in the embodied astral soul nor
the astral minds of disembodied spirits use English or any other human
language. Instead, they use entirely different “pre-verbal” symbols to
encode information. The speech center in the physical mind then
translates these into ordinary human language."
The name “Invisible College” is just a collective term in
common use on the astral plane to describe all disembodied spirits who
are not members of Theocratic bands and are not merely lost souls
wandering around helpless because they can't function effectively in the
spirit world. A synonym in wide use is “free spirits,” which contains a
play on words because “free” is used in two senses at once. It means
“free of Theocratic control” simultaneously with “free to move around
the astral plane at will and communicate telepathically with other
There are three main groups of spirits in the Invisible
College: enlightened ones, magicians, and space
Enlightened Ones
Most of these spirits were highly advanced in spiritual knowledge
and the use of their psychic powers during life, but they were also
devout believers in some sect of the Eastern religious system that
includes Vedanta and Buddhism. They were wise enough to refuse to join
the Theocratic bands associated with their particular sect after death,
because they could psychically perceive the enslavement and exploitation
going on in the various Heavens.
(Few of the Western occultists who have called themselves
“Illuminati” or some other synonym of “enlightened ones” join this group
after physical death; most become magicians or
The enlightened ones could be very useful to
the cause of the Invisible College, but few of them are willing
to stay on the astral plane and help actively fight Theocracy. They
believe that the Theocratic perversions of Heaven they observe there,
are illusions, and that perceiving such illusions proves that they are
not yet advanced enough to liberate themselves from the cycle of
rebirth. So they go back and live another earthly life, always hoping
that the next time they die they will be worthy to enter the true
Heaven. They consider the War in Heaven an illusion and
run away from it, back into earthly existence, which they also consider
The idea that much of the universe is “maya” or
illusion is just Theocratic propaganda, and the refusal of the
enlightened ones to help in the war against Theocracy is a perfect
example of how effective it is. Physical life on Earth is no illusion,
nor is existence as a disembodied spirit on the astral plane. What's
illusory is the claim of the Theocrats to be the Gods of various
religions, and the lie that their Heavens offer the human soul eternal
What happens to saints in the Judeo-Christian religions
after death?
Most become Theocrats if they are devout members of
Theocratic churches during life. However, some people who claimed to
work miracles through faith in religious doctrine have become magician
spirits after death. They were really occultists whose faith was merely
a sham to allow them to work within the religious
However, even some believers in the Western
religious systems whose psychic powers are highly developed are still
quite vulnerable to being enslaved by the Theocrats after
death, whereas similar people in the East often remain free of
Theocratic control and go on incarnating. This is because the Eastern
religions teach belief in reincarnation as part of their official
The political structure of Judeo-Christian
Theocracy on the astral plane is complex. The Theocrats in
charge of bands force many advanced souls within these religions to
reincarnate, because such spirits don't make very good subordinate
Theocrats but are too valuable to the religion as a whole to
The average Theocratic spirit that has been described so
far realizes that religious doctrine and mythology are lies and is
cynically seeking immortality and political power. The enlightened ones,
although they possess a high degree of spiritual knowledge and psychic
development, still actually believe in the doctrine. Therefore, if they
joined a Theocratic band and observed first-hand how it operates, they
might rebel. Because of this, the leaders of Theocratic bands usually
persuade such spirits to return to Earth to further the interests of the
The Christian Bible contains references to this: the
passages in which various people ask Jesus if he is Elias or some
other Hebrew prophet returned to Earth. Liberal Christians often use
passages of this type as Scriptural authority to support reincarnation,
which, of course, they are.
Although Jesus denied that he
was the reincarnation of any of the Hebrew prophets, this was just a
simple “No” to the specific questions. He had a perfect opportunity to
make a definitive statement denying the existence of reincarnation, and
he didn't take it. This suggests that the author of the passage was an
enemy of Theocracy and knew elements of “the Great Secret” - that is,
everything this book is saying.
Getting back to the point, the
Theocrats persuade many of the saints in western fourth-stage
Theocratic religion to reincarnate. Often they become charismatic
preachers who win large numbers of new converts, or religious leaders
who increase the power of churches over the whole of society. In the
process, they may become so corrupted by earthly power that they
eventually become Theocrats.
This is the second major group in the Invisible College.
The term “magician” is used very loosely to refer to people who made
effective conscious use of their psychic powers while alive, and did not
voluntarily join a Theocratic band after death. It is a very diverse
group, and the spirits that compose it belonged to many different
cultures and social classes during life.
Many magician spirits
belonged to the Spiritualists, Theosophists,
Rosicrucians, or other well-known Western occult groups during
life. Others belonged to occult groups that are usually labeled as
Pagan religions, such as Witchcraft, Voodoo, Santeria, etc. Still
others had been commercial fortune-tellers or psychic healers.
(Many of the magicians in this last category considered
themselves Christians and performed their psychic activities “in the
name of Christ.” However, the Theocratic churches were afraid of
their conscious psychic activities and banned them from membership, so
they kept their freedom after death.)
In the East, many
martial-arts experts, Yogis, Tantrists, Zen Masters, Sufis, etc., become
magician spirits after death, as do people who make their living doing
divination or practicing psychic healing. The shamans of the surviving
first-stage religions also often join the magician spirits when they
These spirits all had wide practical experience with the
operational use of their psychic powers when they were alive. (This
includes some people who had possessed highly-developed psychic powers
during life but were never consciously aware of them.) The average
magician had definite religious beliefs during life, but these were not
strong enough to compel joining a Theocratic band after death.
Magicians, living or disembodied, tend to be practical
people, not mystics or “true believers.”
Most of the spirit
guides who assist occultists all over the world in obtaining spiritual
knowledge and in learning conscious control of their psychic powers are
magicians. The Theocrats are seriously frightened of the work
these spirits do, which explains why Fundamentalist propaganda contains
such stern warnings against contacting them.
This accounts for
the propaganda against Ouija boards and other aids that help
people achieve independent, consciously-controlled contact with
disembodied spirits. The warnings about demonic possession
through engaging in mediumistic workings are especially ironic, as the
spirit-contact that Fundamentalists achieve at services using religious
mind control are much closer to the descriptions of “possession” than
what happens to occultists when they hold mediumistic conversations with
But passing information to people with conscious
mediumistic powers is one of the less important things magicians, do,
because there aren't very many conscious spirit mediums. However, the
magician spirits can communicate telepathically with a much larger
segment of the living population on a strictly subconscious level, and
do so very frequently. Such spirits are responsible for many experiences
that people call prophetic dreams, flashes of insight, hunches,
intuition, instinctive knowledge, etc. However, some of the experiences
assigned these names are entirely the product of the person's own
subconscious imagination or psychic powers. There's usually no way to
tell the difference.
Griffith brings up a point that
worries him and he believes may worry some readers: he doesn't like the
idea that a spirit or another person can plant in his mind an idea that
he will consider the product of his own memory or creative powers. This,
he says, is an invasion of his privacy and of his right to make
decisions for himself. It is a matter of ethics.
“Would you rather be drafted into the army to fight against
beings as evil as Hitler, or to fight on their side?”
Most Earth people simply don't have the psychic strength of
spiritual knowledge to remain neutral in the war between
the Theocrats and the Invisible College. If the
Invisible College doesn't manipulate them subconsciously, then
the Theocrats will do so anyway. Their own code of ethics applies
the principle of “greatest good.” An individual manipulated by both
sides is better off than if he or she were influenced by the
Theocrats alone.
As to “informed consent,” this book and
hundreds of similar attempts to communicate the same information are
intended to provide the general public with the information they need to
make a choice. They call this “making a personal breakthrough in
spiritual consciousness.” They want people to learn enough about how
mind control operates to avoid situations that expose them to
Even now, when very few people are consciously aware of the
nature of Theocracy and the forces opposing it, the Invisible
College thinks their methods are still more ethical than those of
the Theocrats and their religions. Brainwashing people with
religious mind control is the Theocrats' strategy of first
choice, whereas the Invisible College employs such methods very
When they work with people who are consciously
learning occultism, they try to inform them about exactly what is going
on as well as they can. The more spiritual information people learn and
the stronger their conscious psychic powers become, the more they are
able to avoid subconscious telepathic mind control by either side in the
War in Heaven. For example, Griffith himself seems to be quite capable
of questioning them on ethical matters and making his own value
judgments about what he receives in the process of writing this
Getting back to the description of what the magician
spirits in the Invisible College do: Placing information about
Theocracy in the minds of living people is only their second most
important job. The principal service they perform for the human race
is assisting other souls in reincarnating.
It's an old
Spiritualist tradition that mediums and their spirit guides offer help
to the souls of the recently deceased who seem in distress.
Unfortunately, the traditional Spiritualists and those of their spirit
guides who held similar beliefs during life do harm as often as good
when they attempt to aid lost souls, because most of them lack even the
most rudimentary knowledge about Theocracy. Instead of attempting to
help such spirits reincarnate, they talk about such lost souls being
“Earthbound”, and they try to assist the distressed spirits to enter the
“higher astral.”
But the whole astral plane is in direct contact
with the Earth, and the only parts of it that give the illusion of not
being closely linked to Earth are those under the control of the
Theocrats. All too often, when Spiritualists and similar
occultists assist souls in “entering the higher astral,” they are
actually sending them straight into the control of some band of
Theocrats, to be enslaved and devoured. That is because the
majority of Spiritualists and the magician spirits that serve as their
spirit guides are too friendly to deistic religion and too ignorant of
the realities of life on the astral plane. This is beginning to change
now, but it's still a major problem.
In many cases, people who
had read a lot of occult literature during life put up more resistance
to understanding the true nature of Theocracy than atheists, agnostics,
and even some believers in orthodox religion. It's actually easier to
show religious people that their Gods are impostors than
it is to show occultists that there are no “planes higher than the
astral.” The beliefs of the former are easier to refute because they
are simple and clear-cut. The delusions of occultists are more complex
and sophisticated.
Many of them tell us,
“OK, so some Heavens are really Hells of psychic vampirism. I'm
going to keep looking until I find one that's not.”
Unfortunately, there are Theocratic bands specifically designed
to entrap spirits like this, bands run by Theocrats who were
occultists themselves during life.
Griffith observes that
the Invisible College faces the same problems in dealing with
people on the astral plane as he has in getting people on Earth to
accept the information described in this book. There are thousands of
years of false knowledge to overcome, and virtually every body of
available spiritual information is heavily corrupted with Theocratic
propaganda. It strikes him as miraculous that the Invisible
College was able to start teaching such knowledge widely, both on
the astral plane and on Earth.
asks how this was done.
Space People
Griffith's guides state that about seven hundred years ago,
scientists from their world established two-way contact with spirits on
Earth's astral plane. Accidents in interstellar transportation had
already marooned quite a few extraterrestrial spirits on Earth, but they
were not capable of communicating with the societies they'd come from.
(Ironically, psychic machines capable of establishing such
communication existed on Earth's astral plane, but none of the spirits
who came here by accident possessed the specialized skills for using
Of course, such spirits were forced to reincarnate
periodically, and every time they did so, they lost a portion of their
original memories. This meant that Earth people remained ignorant of the
basic facts about spiritual reality, including the true nature of the
Theocratic spirits who claim to be Gods. There were always a few
spirits around who knew the truth, but they were seldom able to
communicate more than hints of it to others before they lost the memory
of who they were and where they came from.
The two-way contact
roughly coincided with the beginnings of modern Western civilization.
There are numerous passages in occult literature from the late
Middle Ages on about telepathic conversations between mediums and spirit
entities who resemble modern UFO-contactee descriptions of space people
much more than they do the traditional angels, demons, or spirits of
deceased Earth people. Several of these accounts include what appears to
be advanced information about physics, astronomy, and other sciences –
and is exactly that. The accounts that have survived are just a small
part of the whole.
As soon as this contact was established,
spirits from advanced civilizations started coming to Earth deliberately
to attempt to build an advanced civilization here. The fight against
Theocracy is a necessary negative step that has to be taken before the
real goal is accomplished, which is to make the Earth a fit place for
human beings to live.
The guides acknowledge that both
traditional occult literature and modern UFO-contactee stories lack
sufficient detail to make them credible. Usually, they're just full of
truisms and banalities. They say that it's taken centuries to prepare
people even to think about what life in a truly advanced society would
be like. The process has to be done gradually, over a long period of
time, and most of it has been done on the level of action, not that of
intellectual theory.
As to why the spirits from advanced
civilizations couldn't take some kind of direct action against the
Theocrats right at the beginning, it simply wasn't possible. The
space people don't come here physically, but as naked spirits
transmitted across vast distances. We come with a certain amount of
knowledge, a small part of which we can communicate directly to Earth
people, and with psychic powers that are highly trained but not
especially powerful in terms of force. The average Theocratic spirit is
actually “stronger” than one of us in terms of sheer ability to radiate
psychic energy as a disembodied spirit.
The reason is that
a normal spirit can transmit only limited amounts of astral energy
through the psychic powers – less than that which can be radiated by the
psychic powers of a similar spirit incarnated in a physical body. But
Theocratic spirits are not bound by this limitation, because they don't
keep their astral soul in a normal condition. Instead, they absorb
energy from other spirits and grow as much as they can. Abnormal growth
gives them access to more internal astral energy and hence stronger
psychic powers than a normal spirit possesses.
So they have been
forced to use finesse rather than brute strength in fighting the
Theocrats, and also have been forced to enlist the aid of living
people in many different ways.
But couldn't they have used those
psychic machines that were here?
Not until the present because the process requires large amounts
of astral energy. One of the reasons for assisting us in building a
physical technology is so that they could tap some of the psychic
energy raised by the electronic mind-control networks and use it to
repair and run psychic machines constructed of astral matter. They could
have done it previously only by using the methods employed by
second-stage Theocratic religion: mass human sacrifices and mass
destruction of human souls.
This is far beyond the limits to which they will stretch their
is a means that no end will justify.
Satan and Buddha
The whole mythology of Satan and the Rebellion of the
Angels was the creation of spirits fighting Theocracy long ago, and
the original teachings of the Buddha contain similar
Does using terms like “Satan” invite accusations of being
They respond that they have good reason to use terms that
encourage people to take a closer look at the Biblical myths about
But the Invisible College rejects "worship" as the term is
usually defined:
"Absolute, unquestioning belief in and obedience to a spiritual
being or a body of doctrine."
Individual sovereignty is the most fundamental postulate of the
philosophy of the Invisible College. Each person must assume full
responsibility for making value judgments on ethical and political
matters. The Invisible College never advocates absolute obedience
to ANY authority, even their own. They urge people to resist orders from
leaders if they disagree with them, and to use laws, customs, and
ideologies only as guides for making their own decisions on specific
issues. Assuming personal responsibility for running their own lives
makes people wiser and stronger.
Unquestioning obedience to orders or fixed doctrine only makes
them increasingly dependent and powerless.
The concepts that
Satan is a "God of Evil" who demands the same kind of
worship as Jehovah or other Theocratic
conceptions of deity, and that he tempts people to do exactly the
reverse of all the individual ethical principles in the Judeo-Christian
moral code, are both Theocratic propaganda incorporated into religious
doctrine to keep people from understanding the Invisible
College's original and constructive purpose in creating the myth
about Satan and getting it incorporated into the Bible.
Satan has
a much more favorable image in literature and folk tradition in all the
Judeo-Christian cultures than you'd expect him to have if he was really
the archetype of reversed Biblical morality that religious doctrine
claims he is.
Look at all the folk tales in which the Devil
simply opposes the puritanical, "blue-nose" aspects of Christian
morality that say that sex and other sensual pleasures are intrinsically
evil. The Invisible College has already pointed out the
role these puritanical doctrines play in the religious mind-control
The Theocrats want religious believers to feel
guilty every time they feel sexual desire or enjoy any "pleasures
of the flesh." The guilt literally addicts them to attending church
services that subject them to religious mind control. When the Devil of
folk tradition says that sensual pleasure is not immoral in itself, then
he is actually advocating an ethical code superior to the
Judeo-Christian one.
In ancient Hebrew, the word satan
simply meant “adversary” or “enemy.” The Invisible College
communicated the myth about the temptation of Adam and Eve by the
serpent to some of the prophets who wrote the Old Testament just to
ensure that people who read Judeo-Christian scripture would realize that
Jehovah has enemies. They also claim responsibility for other
elements of that myth: that disobeying Jehovah by eating the
forbidden fruit enabled human beings to discern good from evil, and that
there was another secret, that of the Tree of Life that would give
people eternal life without involvement with Jehovah or other
The material in the Book of Genesis,
even though it pertains to the Creation and the earliest history of the
Hebrews and the Jewish religion, was mostly dictated to Jewish prophets
after the Exodus. Judaism started to adopt important elements of
fourth-stage Theocratic religion during the Egyptian Captivity,
not long after Akhenaton tried to change Egyptian Paganism into a
fourth-stage religion and failed. Fourth-stage Theocratic religions all
have a creation myth that includes the concept of Original
Even though first-century Judaism practiced animal
sacrifices at the Temple in Jerusalem, Judaism was almost entirely into
the fourth stage when Christianity broke away from it. It started
becoming a fourth-stage religion at the time of Moses, though the
process was gradual rather than sudden. Survival of limited amounts of
animal sacrifice was just an atavism. The core of Jewish doctrine from
the time of Moses down to the present has been that Jehovah is both an
angry, judgmental deity who condemns people for Original Sin, and
a loving God who forgives their sins after various acts of
faith and ritual atonement.
All the Christians did was assign separate names to these two
different aspects of the one deity:
Jehovah, or God the Father, to the judgmental
aspect, and Jesus, or God the Son, to the forgiving
to the origin of the concepts of Satan and the War in
First of all, a fourth-stage Theocratic religion
has no need for a God of evil to tempt people into sin: the
concept of Original Sin itself makes any sort of Devil superfluous.
However, if such a concept survives as an atavism from an earlier stage
of the religion's development, it does no harm, any more than did the
token sacrifices of doves by the Jews at Jerusalem, as described in the
New Testament.
Judaism had originally been a polytheistic
religion. Most of the angels with names ending “iel” had originally been
“God of ..."; for example, "Barakiel - God of Lightning."
Therefore Judaism already had a concept of "Satan" similar to the
"adversary" or "trickster" Gods in other third-stage
religions. It was quite natural to incorporate Satan into the
creation myth to tempt people into Original Sin.
“Was the Hebrew Pagan deity Satan originally a
God in serpentine form like Damballa and some of the
other African trickster deities?”
Possibly. We really don't know.
What we're telling you here is mostly derived from our knowledge
of modern religious and occult works, supplemented to some extent by
rumors that have circulated on the astral plane for thousands of years.
We have no exact historical details on any of this, just educated
guesses. However, the choice of a serpent image for the deity that
tempted people into disobeying Jehovah is obvious if you realize
that it was enemies of Theocracy who dictated the myth in the form in
which we know it.
The serpent was intended as a symbol of
reincarnation, because snakes shed their skins, leaving behind a casting
that resembles a dead snake to a casual glance, while the animal crawls
on about its business with a shiny, new, young-looking skin.
The Theocrats who called themselves "Jehovah" did
not want people to believe in reincarnation, even though the
fourth-stage religious concept of "dwelling in the House of the Lord
forever" was probably not known to the Jews at the time the creation
myth was first dictated.
Griffith asks if the concept of
reincarnation was known to the Jews at that time.
As we said
before, we have no exact historical knowledge of the time, just age-old
rumor and inference from literature on Earth. However, our best guess is
that every human culture throughout history and back into prehistory has
had at least rudimentary knowledge of reincarnation. There are
references to it in literature from every culture we know about,
including those in the ancient Near East contemporary with the people
who wrote Genesis, so we assume the concept was known to them.
More important, a small number of people in every culture have always
possessed enough conscious past-life memories to re-establish rumors
about reincarnation even if a Theocratic religion has managed to
suppress them.
Here Griffith asks who was opposing Theocracy at
the time of Moses, or whenever the myth concerning Adam and Eve and the
serpent was written, if the Invisible College has been in
existence for only a few centuries.
Exact names for the forces
opposing Theocracy are actually arbitrary and unimportant. We prefer to
reserve the term "Invisible College" to refer to the highly
organized opposition to Theocracy that started when large numbers of
spirits from advanced extraterrestrial civilizations started coming to
Earth voluntarily about six or seven hundred years ago. However, small
numbers of such spirits have been accidentally transported to Earth's
astral plane throughout history and far back into prehistoric times, and
many of them have tried to fight Theocracy as best they could. One
spirit with advanced knowledge could have been responsible for the
creation myth we're describing here.
The process by which the
Theocrats dictate "holy writ" to religious believers is, like
that used for this book, some form of automatic writing or other
mediumistic reception of data from spirits on the astral plane. The only
difference is that the spirits involved are Theocrats instead of
members of the Invisible College.
Since it is extremely
difficult for the mediums themselves to tell exactly who in the spirit
world is dictating to them at a given time, Griffith's guides always
review everything he receives from them several times and leave him to
be the final judge as to whether what he has received is really from
them or is Theocratic deception.
Griffith realizes that he
has to be responsible for that, to ensure that what he receives is
internally consistent and agrees with his own rational judgment based on
the evidence available in his memory.
The Invisible
College finds it easier to send anti-Theocratic messages to the
prophets of Theocratic religions, who don't normally question divine
revelations, than it is for Theocrats to deceive conscious
“Spiritual Revolutionaries” (a term Griffith and the Invisible
College were promoting when this book was published).
This is
exactly what happened with the myth about the serpent and the Fall. A
spirit hostile to Theocracy managed to dictate the story to one of the
Hebrew prophets, and somehow it survived long enough in folk tradition
to be written into the Old Testament. And the Invisible
College is glad it did, because it reveals some important spiritual
truths to anyone capable of understanding them.
One is that Jehovah has an enemy who
communicates with people and urges them to rebel. Another is that these
messages of rebellion are involved with ethics and morality.
Jehovah says,
"Right and wrong are only what I tell you they are, and they
are absolute values that never vary."
Satan, on the other hand, says,
"Use your intellect to determine what is right and wrong in a
given situation, because such value judgments are highly dependent on
the environment you're in at a given time."
Since the latter statement is rational and the former irrational,
people are put into conflict with Theocratic religious doctrine every
time they use their intellect to make rational value
The doctrines of organized religions have to be
accepted on faith because they are not rational. This religious
myth is one of the reasons why. The Theocrats don't want people
to become consciously aware of the basically illogical nature of
absolute moral doctrine, but there is nothing they can do about it. The
more highly developed a person's rational intellect, the less likely he
or she is to accept religious doctrine on "blind faith."
serpent myth is only a minor detail in Judeo-Christian mythology, but it
has been very important over the centuries in the fight against
Theocracy. And it's also obvious why the Judeo-Christian
Theocrats countered it with further mythology about Satan as
the Father of Lies who goes around telling people it's good to kill
and steal and otherwise do the opposite of the religious moral
The Theocrats tried to obscure the information about
using the intellect to make ethical decisions on a rational basis. They
added many extraneous details to the mythology about Satan. For example,
they included the idea that telepathy, mediumship, and other human psychic powers are
either "works of God" or "works of the Devil." This allows them
to forbid religious believers to communicate with spirits hostile to
Theocracy without revealing various facts about spiritual reality that
the Theocrats wish to conceal.
And then there's all the
propaganda about demonic possession. As was discussed earlier,
the irony of the whole concept of "possession" is that the
Theocrats themselves practice something rather similar to it when
they program people into becoming willing slaves through religious mind
The important thing to remember whenever possession is
mentioned is simply this: no spirit, Theocrat or otherwise, can actually
force living people to do things contrary to their conscious will and
their customary ideas of right and wrong. Even religious mind control
can only reprogram a person's opinions and beliefs one small step at a
time: it's a slow, gradual process, not a sudden, dramatic takeover.
It's very important for the reader to realize
However, even gradual reprogramming can produce some
extremely evil and violent people if it continues over a whole lifetime.
There are plenty of people in this country right now who are emotionally
and morally capable of "killing a Commie for Christ" or acting on the
literal meaning of the Biblical passage, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch
to live." However, this has nothing to do with the sudden, violent
"possession by evil spirits" that Fundamentalist propaganda spreads
around so freely, and that many serious occultists also accept.
That, fortunately, is a myth.
The Tree of Life
the serpent myth represents the concept that people have the right to
determine good and evil for themselves through the free exercise of the
conscious intellect, the Tree of Life represents certain essential
details of the breakthrough information - the concepts that people can
only achieve immortality through reincarnation and that the "eternal
life in heaven" offered by deities is a delusion.
However, you must remember that the Tree of Life is
mentioned only so the Theocrats can gloat that they prevented
people from gaining this knowledge. The secret referred to in this
passage is not just immortality, but the complete knowledge that
Theocratic spirits have about the nature of the soul, reincarnation,
psychic powers, etc.
Apparently the spirit who dictated these passages tried to
communicate the whole breakthrough and failed.
The beginning of Buddhism is a similar case in which enemies of
Theocracy tried to help people make the breakthrough but didn't quite
succeed. After the Buddha achieved enlightenment, he made some
statements that seemed self-contradictory, at least on the surface. He
attributed his spiritual progress to his own efforts, not to a "gift"
from omnipotent deities. He also stated in so many words that ordinary
people could achieve enlightenment through practicing the proper psychic
development techniques.
But at the same time, his statements about reincarnation appeared
paradoxical. He said that achieving enlightenment meant that he no
longer needed to reincarnate, but he also said that he would continue to
do so to help other people achieve enlightenment.
Invisible College guides attempt to explain this.
They state that what the Buddha called his enlightenment is
actually a version of the breakthrough – that is, he became consciously
aware of exactly what the Vedantic Gods really are and how they
operate. But the words in which his followers wrote down his knowledge
are somewhat confusing.
They understood the most important part
of his message quite clearly: the path to enlightenment is the
disciplined practice of various psychic development techniques.
Notice too that the Buddha himself didn't limit his followers in which
specific techniques they used, because part of his knowledge must have
been that different techniques work better for a given individual than
others. He was quite vague on this, and Buddhists ever since have
practiced a wide variety of techniques drawn from Yoga, Tantra, and
other sources within Vedanta.
However, the basic teachings of
Buddha are anti-deistic whereas those of Vedanta were highly deistic.
Many modern Buddhists believe that if they personally achieve
enlightenment, their souls will merge with the soul of Buddha into
Nirvana, a "state of blissful nothingness." Vedantic doctrine in the
time of the Buddha already taught that enlightened souls would merge
with Brahma or some other God. This doctrine was grafted onto the
Buddha's teachings after his death, when Buddhism was taken over by the
Vedantic Theocrats.
Buddhism was originally
founded to fight Theocracy, as were Gnosticism and some forms of
early Christianity.
The Buddha implied by his own example that the enlightened were
capable of transcending reincarnation but deliberately chose not to do
so in order to be of service to the human race. The Buddha realized he
could become a Theocrat and remain on the astral plane indefinitely, but
he refused to do so for ethical reasons. This interpretation of the
early Buddhist teaching is possible for people who have already made the
breakthrough from some other source, but it is not stated clearly enough
in the writings themselves to make finding and understanding it very
Even though he founded a major religion, the enlightenment
the Buddha achieved was still only a partial breakthrough. Much
of what he learned from the Invisible College was on a
subconscious level; it is reflected indirectly in his various teachings
and practices as described by his followers after his death when they
wrote the early literature, but much of it never came out in so many
words in his actual teachings.
He didn't actually say that the
Vedantic Gods are evil beings who eat souls, or that enlightened
souls need to reincarnate for their own good as well as that of living
people. This vital information is implied, but never directly stated.
For example, the Buddha did teach that animal sacrifices and "austere
practices" - by which he meant self-torture, starvation, etc. - are not
mandatory for one to achieve enlightenment; but he didn't antagonize the
Vedantic majority around him, or their Gods, by saying
that "The Gods are evil." However, after his death, the
legends portrayed the Vedantic Gods as "worshipping" the
enlightened Buddha, implying at the least that they had no power over
It is also important to remember that the Buddha was
preaching to an audience with far different religious beliefs from those
of modern Westerners, or of modern Buddhists, for that matter. The
Vedanta of his time was a third-stage Pagan religion based on
large-scale animal sacrifice and orgiastic rituals, but its doctrine
also included many atavistic myths surviving from the first stage. As
well as being the priests of third-stage Vedanta, the Brahmins also
functioned as first-stage shamans who insured that various spiritual
beings were "fed" to keep them from eating human souls after death.
Direct references to the Gods as "Eaters of Souls"
occur in Vedantic hymns used in the Soma
Griffith observes that most of the Buddha's
actual sermons or lectures seemed to be on ethics, similar to the
Vedantic ethics of the culture he lived in, which contained many
inconsistencies. The guides reply that he preached a version of the
Vedantic ethical code and religious customs stripped of some of the
worst self-contradictions, like the concept of non-violence co-existing
with animal sacrifice and with various forms of violence against oneself
in the name of religious practice. However, it is easy to misunderstand
what he was actually doing, which was to separate ethics from the
process of achieving enlightenment.
In other words, says
Griffith, he said living ethically was important, but not directly
related to the psychic development that causes enlightenment. Again,
this interpretation is possible from reading the Buddhist literature,
but the point is not made clearly enough for most people to understand
Certainly most modern Buddhists don't.
Modern Buddhism,
except for a few occult groups associated with it, is a Theocratic
religion. Buddhists feel that their ethical conduct as well as their
psychic development practices will earn them enlightenment by pleasing
various incarnations of the Buddha, all of which are imagined to
co-exist as Gods similar to the Vedantic
Gods. This is not what Buddha taught at all.
Certain Zen masters, whom I class with the occult minority
within Buddhism, have said things like, "There are no
Gods, there are no Buddhas.”
When they do this, they are fighting against the tendency of the
majority of Buddhists to worship the Buddha as a God, instead of
seeking enlightenment through their own efforts and practicing ethical
conduct for humanistic reasons - to serve their own interests and that
of other people - instead of to earn divine favor.
Zen masters have even told students who were drifting into deism,
"Contemplate the Buddha as a piece of dried
This anti-deistic, anti-Theocratic teaching is even more evident
in the doctrines of some of the Eastern occult secret societies involved
with the martial arts. These secret societies have often worked under
the direction of the Invisible College to fight against the
control of both religion and politics in China and Japan by the
That's why they sometimes tell initiates, "We are devils,"
because they are literally fighting against the "Gods," in
the sense of fighting deism and defending the idea that people can
achieve enlightenment through their own efforts.
However, you have to be careful when you read about secret
societies of this type, because many of them have fought for the
Theocrats at one time and against them at other times, depending
on the personalities and beliefs of the
The Age of
this War in Heaven text, The Age of Reason refers to the
work of the Invisible College in the old Masonic and Rosicrucian
lodges several hundred years ago, when these organizations had so much
influence over the development of modern civilization.
They wanted initiates on the lower levels to be reprogrammed
to accept what's now called the "Philosophy of the Age of
Enlightenment." [It's unclear if this is meant to be synonymous with
"Age of Reason."]
This included the form of political liberalism sketched out in
the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, support
of capitalism and industrial technology, a progressive attitude towards
innovation in science and the arts, reliance on rational pragmatic
decision-making over dependence on tradition, and a general attitude
toward life that was constructive, optimistic, and tolerant. The
Invisible College realized it wasn't possible to turn most of
those people into high-level psychics or magicians or to teach them much
about the true nature of Theocracy; they just wanted to turn them into
what would be defined in the United States today as “good average
Two types of consciousness-raising programs were used
within the lodges:
one trained initiates in the lower degrees to become rational
atheists and political liberals;
the other, more advanced, program, taught high-level occult
knowledge and conscious control over the psychic
The first of these programs always had many more members than the
second. Initiates who learned to accept the Masonic philosophy often
became immune to falling into a religious trance during the rituals.
This is an example of the difference between the way the Invisible
College reprograms people's minds and the way the Theocrats do.
The Invisible College continually plants information in
the subconscious that says,
"Think for yourself. Don't accept anything without evidence. Do
what you feel is best under the circumstances rather then just
accepting what someone tells you. You can become a better person if
you only learn how to do so. Judge yourself realistically: you are
neither a self-righteous saint nor a miserable sinner, but simply an
ordinary human being with free will and control over your own
This is almost the opposite of the Theocrats' programming
that takes place during Fundamentalist Christian services. They want
worshippers to say "Thy will be done," and submit completely to the
telepathic influences they receive, as well as to obey religious
doctrine to the letter.
The method of the Invisible
College tends eventually to liberate initiates from the influence of
religious mind control: the more people are affected by the
reprogramming process, the less motivation they have to enter the
religious trance, which involves voluntarily allowing the conscious will
to lose control.
The more people become accustomed to making
decisions rationally and forming an accurate appraisal of their
self-worth, the less likely they are to fall into a religious trance
during rituals. When individuals in one of the old lodges reached this
stage of being in a normal state of consciousness during the rituals
most of the time, they automatically progressed to one of the "higher"
degrees and assumed one of the numerous positions of subordinate
leadership. Initiates on this level were expected to study the lodge's
traditions, mythology, and doctrine intensely on a strictly intellectual
level. This wasn't done at rituals that employed the religious trance,
but through ordinary reading and tutorial study, exactly as if the
initiates were learning history or mathematics.
This is the level
that tried to replace Christian faith with "worship of the Goddess of
Reason," and then went into a philosophy that would be called
"scientific materialism" and "rational humanism" today. This middle
level of initiation was intended to produce a personality type similar
to one very common in American society today -- the millions of people
who are not very much interested in spiritual matters of any kind, but
are chiefly concerned with their personal survival and happiness here on
Some of them call themselves atheists or agnostics,
but just as many profess nominal belief in Christianity or some other
religious or occult system. However, regardless of what they say they
believe, spirituality has very little emotional impact on their daily
life. People like this are still either a slight majority or a very
large minority in American society.
When they started this
process several centuries ago, the influence of Theocratic religion was
still so strong that it was easier to turn people into atheists or
agnostics than to teach them directly about spiritual reality. People
were taught to relate positively to the material world, and to the
advanced civilization that was beginning to develop around them, as more
than just "a vale of tears to pass through on the way to Heaven."
The Invisible College wanted the relationship between
people and their earthly environment to become more important than their
relationship with "God" and religion. The Invisible
College had to proceed step by step, using the methods of behavioral
psychology, which are based on knowledge of how the human mind is
actually programmed.
States of consciousness (religious trances) and environmental
reinforcement are the most important factors to consider
First, they took people who had been raised within
Theocratic religion and had been entering the religious trance during
church services all their lives. They manipulated them into attending
the rituals of the Masonic and Rosicrucian lodges. These rituals
also employed the religious trance and, on the lower levels of
initiation, taught a doctrine that was not so alien to the average lodge
member's existing Christian beliefs that it broke the
During these rituals, lodge members were gradually
reprogrammed to become more rational in their thinking and more
materialistic in their emotional goals for their lives. The social
environment of the lodge increased their self-esteem, so they no longer
thought of themselves as "miserable sinners in need of salvation" but as
"free men under God," and eventually as "free members of a
brotherhood of equals."
Lodge members received positive
reinforcement through religious mind control during lodge rituals. This
made the members feel good while they learned various philosophical
principles quite different from those at the core of Fundamentalist
Christianity even though phrased in many of the same terms.
One very important thing to realize here is that the basic
ethical philosophy of the eighteenth-century Freemasons was very, very
similar to the moral codes of the various Theocratic Christian
sects of the day. At least ninety-five percent of the individual
precepts were the same. In fact, there is only one fundamental
difference between the two codes of conduct, which affects a small
number of separate ethical precepts.
Christian doctrine says,
"Your duties are:
to obey the will of God as you perceive it during church
services and in private prayer and meditation; to obey religious
doctrine and tradition as you learn it on the intellectual level;
to follow the dictates of your conscience and intellectual will."
contrast, the philosophy of the Age of Enlightenment says,
"Your duties are:
to follow the dictates of reason as applied to the knowledge
you learn from your environment; to work for your own survival and
happiness as long as you don't harm other individuals or society in
general by so doing; to work for 'the greatest good for the
greatest number,' which sometimes involves greater or lesser degrees
of self-sacrifice."
These statements are diametrically opposed in theory, but in the
routine circumstances of life in a reasonably stable society, they
produce behavior that is almost identical. In other words, both the
Christian and the Freemason valued a work
ethic, tried to avoid harmful excesses of all kinds, etc. The difference
is not in what people did in the way of detailed, routine ethical
behavior, but in the long-term effects that the two radically
different philosophical codes had on total personality
The Christian code took people deeper into bondage
to the Theocrats; the Masonic code liberated them from that
bondage without substituting any other master for "God." What's
most important here is that the Masonic initiates were taught to receive
increasing amounts of positive reinforcement from their material and
social environment, and decreasing amounts from religious mind
The Invisible College was using the significant
increase in the quality of individual life resulting from technological
advances to extinguish the influence of religious mind control over
people's emotional life and personality development.
a great many members of the lodges became immune to religious mind
control and remained in a normal state of waking consciousness during
the rituals. More important, they taught these same principles to their
children of both genders, so the all-male lodges eventually changed the
average personality structure of the whole society.
The idea that
people can significantly improve the quality of life on Earth by their
own efforts is one of the most important strategies that the
Invisible College uses in fighting Theocracy. Its strongest point
is that they don't need to use subconscious emotional manipulation or
intellectual persuasion to get people to accept it.
Just living and working within a modern technological society
proves the basic validity of a humanistic philosophy by direct
environmental conditioning.
the conscious level, people may think about the problems modern society
has not yet solved and yearn for "the good old days"; but on a deeper
level, they know they are as well off, on the average, as human beings
on this planet have ever been. Theocratic propaganda and religious mind
control have great difficulty extinguishing this intuitive feeling,
because it's caused by environmental conditioning rooted in physical
So the disembodied spirits in the Invisible
College telepathically manipulated the subconscious minds of leaders
in the Masonic and Rosicrucian lodges to design their rituals and
doctrines in certain ways. Many of the individual elements of these
rituals and doctrines were drawn from the writings and practices of
previous occult groups, including some that were quite advanced in both
spiritual knowledge and psychic training techniques. But the vast
majority of the men who actually incorporated these elements into
Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism in the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries had only the vaguest idea of what they were doing.
They read various occult works, talked to members of many
different occult organizations, and incorporated those ideas that "felt
right" into the lodges they were founding or reorganizing. Of course, it
was the Invisible College's subconscious telepathic influence
that guided this process.
Not that the process was without
conscious human conspiracy. There were many different conscious
conspiracies of advanced occultists, in the seventeenth century and
later, who believed they were manipulating the development of the
Masonic and Rosicrucian lodges that were gradually beginning to have a
major influence on the progress of Western society toward what we now
call modern civilization.
Practically every advanced
occultist in Europe joined one or more of these lodges at this time. And
once they'd joined, they tried to teach their particular school of
knowledge to their lodge-brothers and to influence the development of
the lodge's doctrines and rituals to conform to their particular
preconceptions. These occultists included Cabbalists, Gnostics,
Alchemists, Hermetics; influences from all these spiritual systems are
still visible today in the Masonic and Rosicrucian
There are spiritual knowledge and psychic-training
techniques brought from China and India by the Islamic Sufi sect and
taught to the medieval Knights Templar. There's knowledge inherited from
the ancient Egyptians, Hebrews, and Babylonians, taught to the Masons
and Rosicrucians by Cabbalists, Gnostics, and Astrologers.
One very important source of psychic training techniques came
from the ancient Greeks by way of the medieval Alchemists: a system of
homosexual sex magic. This is one reason why so many high-level
occult lodges were exclusively male for so long: they knew homosexual
sex magic techniques but not heterosexual ones. There has always
been some heterosexual sex magic in the Western occult tradition as
well, from both Middle Eastern and European Pagan sources, but it's only
been in the last century or so, after direct contact was established
with the Orient, that the two began to become equally
Many of the occultists had some conscious knowledge of
what the Invisible College was doing, and were actively
cooperating. Unfortunately, some of them actively opposed the
Invisible College by trying to turn their lodge into a
Theocratic Cult. Possessing advanced occult knowledge doesn't
automatically make a person morally virtuous. Even today, some of the
advanced occult lodges derived from the Masonic-Rosicrucian tradition
are "Black Lodges" (lodges under the control of the
It's extremely important to realize that
Theocratic enslavement and psychic vampirism are not things that happen
only to disembodied spirits after death. Living people can do virtually
the same things to other living people. Black magicians can't literally
devour other people's souls the way the disembodied Theocrats do
to other spirits, but they can still deprive people of all free will and
self-esteem, and eventually drive them into insanity or
This can be done in a Christian context, as Jim Jones
did with the People's Temple, or in the context of almost any other
religious or occult group.
Many of the modern cults are also examples of this
the Moonies,
the Rajneesh Cult,
However, such groups aren't always openly identified as religious
or occult organizations. The Symbionese Liberation Army was such
a group, and so was the Manson Family. So are many terrorist
groups, especially those in the service of Islamic
A number of present-day rock groups are
actually bands of living Theocrats, enslaving their fans and
draining energy from them at concerts. This last type of living Theocrat
is especially dangerous right now, because such people can influence a
large number of people who listen to their music on records or over the
radio, using electronic mind control techniques that we will describe
later. One of the worst things about this movement is that some of these
people have made the breakthrough.
They know what they are doing, and they still do it.
other words, a person can find out the truth about Theocracy and say,
"Fine. I'm going to found a cult based on religious mind
control while I'm alive; then, after I die, I'm going to control it
from the astral plane and become a Theocrat."
This attitude is becoming more and more common as more people
make the breakthrough and become consciously aware of the existence
of Theocracy. This is another main reason for having written this
book: to warn potential victims of this new type of mind control
and teach them how to avoid it.
More will be said about this fifth stage of Theocracy
It is important to remember that people have been making
the breakthrough for centuries, in the sense of realizing that the
"Gods" behind many religious groups are simply the spirits
of ordinary deceased human beings playing politics and trying to remain
in positions of power on the astral plane for long periods of time. But
this knowledge, in itself, doesn't automatically make people hostile to
Many advanced occultists have made a fatal error in
not realizing that Theocracy is what you might call a disease or
abnormal state. Remaining on the astral plane for long periods of time
and absorbing vital energy from other spirits is not a natural or
healthy condition for a human spirit. All Theocrats eventually
become degenerate and insane.
The Invisible College has always told this to anyone
capable of holding conscious telepathic conversations with them, but
they haven't always been believed. The illusion of achieving immortality
for the ego is a very powerful corrupting influence. You can see why
many occultists wouldn't want to listen.
The quality and
completeness of a person's breakthrough knowledge are very important.
Until very recently, communicating many of the individual details that
constitute the breakthrough has been extremely difficult.
is much harder to understand Theocracy without the background of many
terms and concepts from recent scientific discoveries: computer science,
behavioral psychology, modern physics, etc.
The presence of the lodges in Western society
increased the number of advanced occultists enormously, because
they served as a visible training ground for people who otherwise
might never have had access to psychic training and spiritual
knowledge outside organized religion. The rituals and jargon of
the lodges were secret, but everyone knew approximately what went
on inside them - or at least, anyone with the potential to become
an advanced occultist could guess. This meant that fewer people
who had possessed occult training in a past life would spend a
"wasted" incarnation in which they had no access to formal
training. |
The War in Heaven is not a conflict between
absolutes of good and evil. It is completely a matter of
politics, and neither side is completely good or bad.
But the members of the Invisible College are convinced
that theirs is better than the side of the Theocrats by any
reasonable ethical standard.
Summing up, the Age of Reason
was a major step in the progress of Western civilization and a
significant victory for the Invisible College over the
Theocrats in the War in Heaven. During the
period from about 1700 to the 1960s, there was just as much improvement
in the average level of individual human consciousness as there was in
physical technology, scientific knowledge, and the design of social and
political institutions.
The goal was to break the hold of religious mind control over the
majority of people in the First World, and it has been accomplished
reasonably well. Large numbers of people are still enslaved to
Theocratic religion, of course, but such belief systems no longer
dominate the collective consciousness of the society to the extent they
once did.
Today, even the majority of people in the advanced
Western countries who consider themselves devout religious believers
actually put reason above faith, and humanistic concerns before blind
obedience to traditional doctrine. This was accomplished through the use
of the quasi-religious rituals of the Masonic and Rosicrucian
In other words, a form of religious mind control was
used. And even the most advanced magical lodges based on the
Masonic/Rosicrucian tradition still train their members with rituals
that employ the religious trance.
But now the word is being
spread telepathically that the Age of Reason is ending and a new age
is beginning.
Its starting point is another major revolution in consciousness,
as will be discussed next.
A Revolution in
The modern struggle between the Theocrats and the
Invisible College over the recreational and other uses of
psychoactive drugs started long before the Sixties; and the drug then
involved was alcohol. The real reason that the Prohibition Amendment
passed after World War I is that the Invisible College suddenly
stopped opposing the anti-alcohol movement that Theocratic
Fundamentalists had been leading for decades.
In other words, they decided,
"Let the Christian Temperance Union and the other
prohibitionist organizations have their way; maybe total prohibition
of alcoholic beverages will fail so miserably that it will convince
the majority of Americans that puritanical laws regulating intimate
details of the personal lives of individuals are a bad idea."
And this plan worked.
Government policy and general
opinion in this society now treat alcoholism more as a medical and
psychiatric problem than as a moral or criminal problem. This is
actually a significant step forward for the whole civilization: learning
how to deal with a social problem to minimize the total harm it does to
the society.
Yet while Western society deals with the alcohol
problem in a reasonably sensible and sophisticated manner, it fails to
apply the knowledge learned from the "noble experiment" to psychoactive
drugs other than alcohol.
This is because the drug controversy is
now one of the two or three most important battlegrounds between the
Theocrats and the Invisible College. The key to
understanding why involves certain side effects of LSD and various
psychedelic drugs closely related to it: mescaline, psilocybin, etc., in
both their pure and their botanical forms.
Notice that most of
the people who suffered "acid freakouts" during the Sixties weren't
permanently damaged by them. Consider also that many of the drug users
in the Sixties Movement who killed themselves, committed serious
crimes, or became insane enough to be institutionalized, would probably
have done something similar sooner or later anyway, even if they'd never
used drugs.
The Invisible College understood and expected
was a significant factor in their decision to take the risk of starting
the Psychedelics Movement. Yet there were casualties. The
Invisible College admits that and is sorry about it. However,
they point out once again that a war is being fought and it's our
freedom, that of the entire human race, that's at stake.
What was
the Invisible College trying to accomplish and did it
The answer to the second question is,
“Yes, fairly well. Better than our
to the first question, they explain that repeated use of LSD over
several years makes fundamental changes in people's mental programming.
They used LSD plus direct telepathic conditioning techniques to
significantly reprogram the minds of several million Americans. They
also used environmental conditioning through the general emotional
climate of the Sixties counterculture itself, as expressed in its art,
music, slogans, etc.
They created that emotional atmosphere
simply to teach a certain amount of idealism to young people who had
been raised in average Fifties American homes that almost completely
lacked it. Throughout their childhoods, they had been taught to value
various shallow forms of material success more than anything else. The
Invisible College was trying to push them in “the right
direction,” and advocating widespread use of the powerful psychedelics
was their principal means of doing so.
How did the reprogramming
that the Invisible College carried out through the Sixties
counterculture and psychedelics movement compare in effectiveness with
that accomplished through religious mind control by Theocratic religious
There is a tremendous difference, roughly that between
doing something using a high level of technology and doing it by human
muscle power, with the psychedelic drug being analogous to the
machinery. They did more reprogramming in a few years on more people
than the traditional religious Theocrats do in the same number of
Unfortunately, the Fifth-stage Theocrats now have
access to mental reprogramming techniques just as effective as those
used by the Invisible College in the Sixties; but this is a
subject to be discussed later.
The Invisible College let
the Sixties Movement stop when they had reached the limit of what could
be programmed through the use of psychedelics. It was extremely
difficult just to program large numbers of LSD users with a set of vague
idealistic principles that would make their opinion-forming and
decision-making processes more tolerant and flexible. It was totally
impossible to start teaching a detailed, sophisticated
The major reason for this is that the Invisible
College was working almost entirely through people's subconscious
minds, so that they were absorbing short strings of data at random
places in their “mental files.” As long as these messages were simple,
clear, and positive, then they did more good than harm. It generally
made people more socially and politically liberal. If they had tried
using more complex material, it would have merely confused the
recipients, probably to the point of interfering with ordinary mental
fact, most people in the Sixties counterculture suffered temporarily
from a significant degree of this kind of confusion and impairment
The Aquarian
The Invisible College had nothing to do with putting the
term “Aquarian Age” into common use.
However, once large numbers of people started using it entirely
on their own, they invented their own mythology around the rudiments of
the Aquarian Age story and have been transmitting it telepathically into
the subconscious minds of many different people. It now appears in
messages channeled to the New Agers, in popular song lyrics, and many
different places in fiction and poetry.
First, here's the basic astrological myth about the
Aquarian Age.
The Age just ending was called the Piscean Age, after the
constellation of Pisces, the Fishes. It's an appropriate name, because
this was the Age of Christianity, which has the fish as one of its
symbols because in the Greek that the early Christians spoke, the word
for "fish" is also an acronym for the phrase "Jesus, the Anointed
One, God's Son, the Savior." And the Age just beginning is called
the Aquarian Age after the constellation of Aquarius, which represents a
human being pouring water out of a jar.
Now, here's the
Invisible College's supplemental mythology about the Aquarian
Age, which centers around the concept of "water." In this context,
Water symbolizes spiritual power.
During the Piscean Age, the human race on Earth resembled an
enormous school of fish: they were utterly dependent on the water, and
had very little control over it. They simply lived in it and hoped to
The New Age symbol is the human being taking control of
the water that represents spiritual power. However, if you take a closer
look at the astronomical mythology represented by the constellations,
you'll see that the water poured out by the Water Carrier is the source
of the great celestial river, the constellation Eridanus that
runs from the celestial equator far down in the southern sky.
This huge outpouring of spiritual power represents several things
to be covered later in the book:
Griffith mentions that he needs details like this for this
book, even when not directly connected to the point being discussed,
because they demonstrate that there's a an external creative
intelligence behind many of the intuitive flashes that inspire
people to create modern mythologies.
The guides respond with
another example concerning several modern UFO researchers who received
telepathic communications containing words in an unknown language from
sources that identified themselves as "space people." Occultists later
identified the words as belonging to the "Enochian" language. Over three
hundred years ago, the English occultist John Dee received a long
series of channeled messages in this language, and occultists still
study it today.
The reason the Invisible College telepathically
transmitted Enochian words like "affa" - meaning, very appropriately,
"nothing" - to the UFOlogists was to steer their thinking in a certain
direction. The Invisible College knew that if they published
these words or repeated them very much, someone with occult knowledge
would tell them where they came from. It was just another way of
supplying evidence that there is a connection between what modern
UFOlogists call telepathic contact with space people, and the
mediumistic communication with spirits that occultists have been
practicing throughout history.
Even with evidence like this to
guide them, most of the UFOlogists remain materialists.
The Invisible College keeps telling them,
"The Invisible College is composed of disembodied
spirits. We're dead people, not living beings from other planets. Some
of us are extraterrestrials, yes, but we're extraterrestrial
spirits, not living people."
They keep telling them this whenever they are in telepathic
contact, and the UFOlogists keep right on theorizing about
interstellar space travel and other dimensions.
The book's
discussion next turns to the so-called "Sirius Connection."
This was a complicated ploy of exactly the same type as
the one just mentioned. They started sending telepathic messages like
"Sirius is very important" when they found out that news of the explicit
astronomical knowledge about the invisible companion of Sirius in the
Sudanese Dogon Tribe's mythology was
about to surface.
In the early Seventies, when the Invisible
College started sending such messages, the same information that
later appeared in The Sirius Mystery was already known to certain
anthropologists and members of the occult and UFO communities,
especially French-speaking ones. This information is extremely
impressive, because it contains the period of revolution of the
companion around the larger star and the fact that this companion star
is composed of super-dense matter. The information is too detailed to be
easily accounted for by coincidence, and there is evidence that the
Dogon possessed the information before it was discovered by Western
scientists in the late nineteenth and early twentieth
The Dogon got the information centuries ago. They may
or may not have gotten it second-hand from the ancient Egyptians, but
they could have. This and many other pieces of advanced astronomical and
astrophysical information have been in circulation among free spirits
for thousands of years.
Griffith asks if the Invisible
College sent out telepathic messages about Sirius to get the
attention of “materialists” like Robert Anton Wilson, Timothy
Leary, and various UFOlogists, knowing they'd encounter the
information quite soon... since he presumes the Invisible College
knew in advance that The Sirius Mystery was
being written.
They reply that it's more complicated than that.
If they hadn't started the telepathic communications, several of these
people would have accepted the information about Sirius and the Dogon as hard proof of
physical visitations to Earth by Ancient Astronauts. As it
was, the Invisible College managed to complicate the issue in
their minds, and may have kept them from seriously misleading the
significant number of people who regard their opinions as
For example, Wilson made a connection between the
modern Sirius Mystery and the "Great star" legends of the Masons,
Rosicrucians, and various occult groups. The "Great Star" is also the
"Great Secret": a version of the truth about Theocracy. This same
symbolism is also being used by a number of different factions of
spirits and living people involved in the psychic warfare to be
described later in the book. Some of them call themselves "cats" or
"lions" and refer to certain other types of spirits as "dogs" or
These terms refer to different details of the physiology of
the astral soul, and there are spirits of each type in the service
of both the Theocrats and the Invisible
The remainder of this section is a slightly-edited
transcript from the book, of a dialog between Griffith and the
Invisible College.
Recall that War in Heaven was published
in 1988.
Griffith: I also see another possible tie-in here. Ever since
R.A. Wilson wrote the ILLUMINATUS! books, he's had a following
composed mostly of counterculture people who publish underground
magazines devoted to discussing his work, and to similar material by
Leary, Burroughs, etc. Some of these people were part of the Sixties
LSD movement at the time when the media were full of anti-drug
propaganda claiming that LSD damaged the chromosomes, and that the
children of everyone who used it would be born deformed or mutated. My
own opinion at the time was simply that these claims were not
supported by enough evidence to take seriously, and history seems to
have proven me right.
The claims that LSD causes physical mutations seem to be
entirely false. But this didn't stop certain members of the Sixties
counterculture from taking this "mutation" propaganda and turning it
completely around. In other words, they admitted that LSD causes
mutations, and not in the descendants of the people who take the drug,
but in the users themselves. And of course they claimed that these
mutations were extremely beneficial, turning acid-heads into
Now, I had enough scientific knowledge and plain
common sense to dismiss these claims as obvious nonsense, typical of
the alternating delusions of persecution and grandeur so common in the
counterculture at the time. And, on the purely physical level, nothing
has happened since to convince me that my snap judgment was wrong.
However, the belief that acid-heads are mutants in a literal, physical
sense and therefore superior to ordinary people has never died out
within the counterculture. It seems more common in the
counterculture today than it was in the Sixties.
Is the Invisible College responsible for this?
Invisible College: Yes. Some of the people who are going
to read this book and other explicit writings about the War in
Heaven, and who are going to make the breakthrough and join the
movement to teach others the truth about the nature of spiritual
reality, are going to describe themselves as "mutants" of this type.
Griffith: Personally, I feel more like an alien than a mutant:
I have past-life memories set on other worlds, and I really don't feel
comfortable in any cultural group on this planet.
Invisible College: This is because you're here to help
in the building of an entirely new and more advanced civilization on
Earth. And a large number of the people who call themselves mutants
are also of extraterrestrial origin. That's another thing you'll want
to concentrate on in your future writings: helping these people
realize who they are, and what they're on this planet to do.
Griffith: During the Sixties, Timothy Leary often said that LSD
helps people unlock cosmic secrets that are encoded in our DNA; and at
the time, I found this concept completely incomprehensible. But he's
still saying the same thing today. For example, he said in NEUROLOGIC
just a few years ago that,
"Most of the characteristics formerly attributed to the soul
now describe the functions of DNA, whose complex messages originate
from higher intelligences in other solar systems. The mission of DNA
is to evolve nervous systems able to escape from the doomed planet
and contact manifestations of the same amino acid seeding that have
evolved in other solar systems."
What is the relationship between the concept in this quotation,
the acid mutants, and the cosmology that you've already given?
Invisible College: First of all, there was never a
physical seeding of amino acids to start organic life. What actually
happened was that disembodied spirits went to planets that were ready
for life to develop, and created the amino acids by telekinetic
manipulation of existing organic molecules. They assembled these amino
acids into physical DNA using their own astral DNA molecules as
When Leary and other scientists theorize that the physical
DNA contains an evolutionary program that automatically causes
new species to develop, they are slightly misinterpreting messages
that we put in their subconscious minds.
What we are actually trying to tell them is that evolution is
guided by the psychic manipulations of disembodied spirits, but most
such scientists are still too materialistic to accept such an
explanation. Their conscious minds are unwilling to admit the literal
existence of the soul and other spiritual phenomena, so they try to
stretch theories from physical science to fit the evidence they
discover. This sometimes causes non-scientists who read their works to
engage in speculations about evolution and mutation that stray very far
from reality.
[Challenges to Darwinism - Panspermia
and Theories of Guided Evolution concludes with a discussion
of Rhawn Joseph's “Evolutionary Metamorphosis” thesis. Logically,
the statement you have just read from the Invisible College
should be taken as a direct response to Joseph's idea, and in fact to
the entire debate sequence outlined on the page.]
What we're really telling all these people is simply,
"Try to develop conscious control over your psychic
powers during your present lifetime, so you'll have a better
chance of surviving after death."
LSD and other psychedelic drugs are a dangerous but useful tool
for doing this, and so are many psychic training practices derived from
occultism and religion. We do want people to evolve; but the
evolution is spiritual, not physical.
However, there's a lot more to the War in Heaven than just
a struggle between the Invisible College and the Theocratic
spirits who operate through organized religion and try to retard
material progress towards an advanced civilization on this planet.
During the last five years, as this book was being written, the power of
the religious Theocrats to influence the evolution of Western
society has steadily declined, but that does not mean this Spiritual
Revolution is going to be quick, easy, or bloodless.
actually been going on during the last twenty years [as of 1988]
is that the Theocrats are preparing to achieve their final
goal. Throughout recorded history, the Theocrats have falsely
pretended to be Gods. Now, because of the Earth's
extremely high and unstable population, they actually have a chance to
assume Godlike powers.
This is what the War in Heaven is really all about, and
this what we will describe in the next part of the book.
Elements of this and following sections concerning the nature of
spiritual beings, especially “the basic cosmology about the origin and
destiny of the human soul,” could not have been given earlier. Also the
Invisible College did not want to describe certain things they
intend to do in the future before they were fully prepared to do them.
The technical preparations have now been completed, their psychic
network is now in place and functioning, and it is safe to tell
Some advanced civilizations have a form of rapid interstellar
travel that makes it possible for disembodied spirits to travel from one
world to another at speeds much faster than the speed of light. When
they get to their destination, they incarnate there. However, such
interstellar travel by spirits involves risks, and they sometimes get
lost in transit and end up on a planet other than the one they intended
to visit. If the equipment needed to project spirits over interstellar
distances does not exist there, they are marooned. If spirits find
themselves marooned on a planet devoid of life, they eventually die,
unless other spiritual beings are able to rescue them.
This will be discussed further later.
Accidents like this
do not leave spirits marooned in empty interstellar space because the
method of travel requires there to be a large mass of physical matter at
the far end. The problem arises when that mass isn't the one
In earlier communications that are not part of this
book, the Invisible College has said that some advanced
civilizations of the past have had a sort of religion that
encouraged people to go around the universe creating organic life
on every planet that was geologically ready for it. This statement was
true as far as it went, but it didn't mention that such civilizations
were very different from theirs - as different as a colony of
social insects such as bees or ants is from a herd of horses or a pack
of wolves.
They had also mentioned (elsewhere) that the
civilizations that sent out such original missions of creation seemed to
be enemies of the civilizations ancestral to their own, and that their
(the Invisible College's) ancestors were partly responsible for driving
them away. But they didn't tell the full story. This subject will be
treated in a later section. In the present section, they continue
describing how spirits create organic life on planets that are
ready for it and then guide the process of evolution until intelligent
beings develop.
But they point out that everything they say about
the origin and evolution of life on Earth is just scientific
speculation. They're reasonably sure it's accurate, but it's not
based on detailed historical records.
Griffith asks why
the Invisible College doesn't have access to the histories of all
the advanced civilizations going back millions of years?
Surely all such societies would have sophisticated equipment for
storing information, better than our present computers here on Earth, so
information about all of them would be easy to obtain. Even if
civilizations are always rising and falling, communication between them
should ensure that history and other information gets passed along.
After all, we Earth people, primitive as we are, still possess many
important written records of our own vanished civilizations. But we
don't, his guides point out.
Earth people have a few written records from the ancient Greeks, Hindus,
Chinese, etc., but there are still huge gaps in our
To answer the question: Advanced civilizations don't
use electronic computers, nor do they store much of their data in
durable physical forms equivalent to books, photographic film, sound
recordings, etc. The equipment they use to store and process information
is made of living organic matter and is relatively fragile, so it's not
that hard for specific historical knowledge to be lost. Also, the
symbolic systems for storing data are neither alphabetic nor digital,
but are versions of the system used for memory storage in the human
Such systems are extremely complex, and translation from one
system to another is often very difficult.
As long as a
particular civilization is viable, it retains the information that the
people in it want to retain. If it breaks up, the souls of the people
who survive the breakup go to other civilizations, which have their own
history, their own store of information they consider valuable. So
specific information about a particular planet is often not
Here Griffith asks for some discussion of “the
creation of the universe.”
The universe is cyclical. It really
doesn't have a beginning or an end. The Big Bang theory, which
most of your scientists now accept as proven, is valid; but it's just
one component of a Steady State theory that operates on a larger
scale. There is another Parallel Part of the universe that is
contracting toward a Big Crunch, at the point where/when Earth
astronomers observe evidence of the Big Bang. That part of the
universe is composed of antimatter and time flows backwards
The "heat death" points in our own part of the universe,
the points where particles of matter lose all their energy and motion,
are also the points at which particles become antimatter and pass into
the other part of the universe to start falling towards the Big
In other words, the universe didn't really have an origin
at all. There wasn't a point in time when the universe didn't exist,
because the very definition of time is as a measurement of changes in
matter and energy. Therefore, time cannot exist unless matter and energy
also exist. It is simply a dimension as length, breadth, and height are
dimensions; and this makes it part of the universe, not something
independent of it.
Returning to the discussion of the creation
and evolution of life: the astral souls of all intelligent beings
contain a template for the DNA molecule and all the precursor chemicals
that compose it. If the surface waters of an Earth-like planet are close
to the correct temperature and have the right chemicals dissolved in
them, disembodied spirits with the proper technical knowledge can create
life by psychokinesis alone. There is no need to visit planets in
spaceships and "seed" them physically.
But this does not mean
that organic life is always of the same type as on Earth... or that DNA
“as we know it” is the basis for all life in the
There are other kinds of organic life on the
surfaces of other kinds of planets, and also non-organic forms who live
in the interiors of stars, comets, gas clouds, and other bodies of
matter. They all have different kinds of souls, composed of
different kinds of astral matter, and there is almost no communication
between the different kinds of life.
Even telepathic
communication, while barely possible, is not really feasible, because
the different types of organic and astral life use very different kinds
symbols for communication, and also think at different rates of
Griffith asks about the possibility of building
translating equipment, as we do to allow data exchanges between
different computers. The response is that the analogy doesn't really
apply. All of our computers were designed by and for human beings. The
common denominator between two different computers is the person who
understands both. There is no such common denominator between people and
vastly different forms of intelligent life.
More about how
intelligent life is created, and the relationship between the body and
the soul.
The human astral soul is both an alien parasite or symbiote, and
a natural part of a human being. All mammals have astral souls,
but the astral soul of a human being is extremely different from the
astral soul of an ape. Human beings were radically altered by
psychokinetic genetic manipulation to become physically different from
other apes. The brain, the hands, the sense organs, the general
musculature, and the organs used in standing and walking erect are all
very different in humans from those in apes. However, the scientists who
recently started mapping the DNA structure of anthropoid apes found it
much more similar to that of humans than they had expected.
when genetic science begins to learn the
details of how DNA structure is typically changed by
random mutations, the scientists will discover that the genetic
differences between apes and humans don't fit those patterns. They'll
realize that the particular loops in the DNA molecule that cause the
genetic differences between people and apes have an artificial or
alien look to them. That's because they actually are
artificial, and the changes were made by spirits from other
worlds who were familiar with genetic patterns different from those on
The somatic soul of the human species was genetically
altered just as radically as the body was, and is also very different
from the somatic soul of an ape. The human somatic soul's nervous system
is much more highly developed for transmitting and using astral energy,
and the attachment point for the astral soul is much more highly
This attachment point allows any human astral soul to incarnate,
including those used to incarnating in bodies very different from human
bodies on Earth. In other words, there is a sort of
standardization among human-type bodies on many different worlds
to allow them to be linked to a wide variety of astral souls. There are
often problems of astral tissue compatibility if body and soul are too
different, but it is still possible for many different types of astral
souls from many different worlds to incarnate on Earth.
One of
the chief characteristics of intelligent beings compared with similar
non-intelligent beings is that both the body and the astral soul show
strong evidence of neoteny. For example, many
scientists on Earth have noticed that an adult human being retains many
physical characteristics found in an anthropoid ape during infancy or
childhood, but lost in the ape as it matures.
When a
neotenous salamander like an axolotl retains its gills while becoming
sexually mature, the resulting neotenous adult is physiologically
more primitive, meaning that there is less specialization of the tissues
and organs than in a normal adult of the same species. Human beings are
physiologically more primitive than other large primates such as
gorillas, baboons, or chimpanzees. This is especially true of the
voluntary musculature.
is well known that all the great apes far exceed human beings in
relative strength, because of differences in the muscle structure.
Notice too that there's a marked gender difference in humans in muscle
structure as well. The adult female, with her smoother voluntary muscles
and a more extensive layer of subcutaneous fat, is more primitive and
more neotenous than the adult male.
technologically-advanced races of people use genetic engineering
(modification of the genes before conception) and biological
engineering (modification of the body during embryological
development by the use of hormones and other chemicals) to repress the
development of the secondary sexual characteristics and to increase the
neotenous characteristics. This is why so many dreams and visions
of space people show them as rather androgynous.
There are
three reasons why humans living under primitive conditions were
genetically engineered to have less sheer muscular strength than
ordinary apes.
The first is that if the process is properly done, they gain
considerably in coordination and are are much better at doing
delicate manipulations with their hands.
Second, having less muscular strength stimulates people's
intellectual development by encouraging them to use tools and
develop technology.
The third reason is that neoteny significantly slows
down the maturation and aging process, giving people more time to
develop their minds than animals have.
Since humans are physically immature and dependent on others for
so long while they are growing up, this also gives them an opportunity
to learn many things from their elders that they might not learn if they
became independent adults sooner.
Advanced human civilizations
inhibit the secondary sexual characteristics and certain kinds of
muscular development even more, for exactly the same reasons. They gain
a longer lifespan, better general health, and physical equality between
the genders; and they lose very little, because they don't need great
physical strength nearly as much as they need good balance, agility, and
coordination. If such a body is kept in good general muscle tone, it has
greater endurance against fatigue than a more heavily-muscled body and
is more resistant to many kinds of injuries. Also, most advanced human
societies reproduce entirely by ectogenesis, so there is no need for people to
be capable of ordinary mammalian reproduction.
Most advanced societies have separated
sexuality from reproduction.
Why create the human body by having it grow inside an adult as a
parasite, when it can be grown much more efficiently in an artificial
Notice the paradoxical attitude that so many Earth women have
about bearing children: on one hand, they know the future of the human
race may depend on it, but on the other, they also know it's damaging to
the body and seriously interferes with other aspects of adult life.
Especially, pregnancy and child-rearing are ready-made excuses for
placing women in an inferior social status.
sexuality itself still exists in all advanced human societies for
emotional, social, and psychic reasons. The androgynous people you see
in your dreams are all sexually functional males or females. On the
average, advanced humans tend to be more sexually active than
primitive humans, because their physical and mental health are
better, and because they don't have to work as hard for basic
Many Earth people have an instinctive feeling that the
soul is an "alien parasite" attached to the body.
The somatic soul of a human being contains many structures not
found in the souls of other primates. Some of these produce a form of
neoteny in the body; others could cause the brain to develop into
a high-quality bio-computer; and still others allow astral souls of many
different types to incarnate in human bodies.
This gives many people the feeling that there is something alien
about the soul.
The Invisible College has stated that Gods don't
exist. That statement is completely true in the context in
which they used it. Throughout human history on Earth, some spirits have
pretended to be Gods, using a definition of the term that
allows them to rule over human beings without being accountable for
their actions. These definitions assert that Gods are
greatly superior to humans in wisdom and morality, encouraging people to
let deities deny them their rights to consent of the
However, the human spirits making these claims are
simply lying.
They are not superior to ordinary people except in
possessing certain forms of knowledge and power; and in moral terms they
are significantly inferior because their very existence depends on
enslaving and exploiting living people and other disembodied spirits.
Since pretending to be Gods is one of the chief sources of
Theocratic power, the Invisible College attacked it very strongly
in an earlier section of this book.
Now it is time to look at
spiritual reality from an even larger perspective, and to deal with the
idea that intelligent beings greater than humans actually exist. There
are two types, "elementals" and "Gods," and their
description will begin in the next section of this book. However, this
segment concludes with the assurance that everything previously stated
about Gods and human rights still stands.
The elementals and Gods that are about to be
described are still not morally superior to humans, and it is our duty -
the duty of advanced human civilizations on other worlds and people on
Earth as well to stand up to these beings and demand our rights as
sovereign individuals.
Elementals and Gods are the same kind of
entity structurally, though they differ enormously in personality and
behavior. You might say that Gods are civilized
elementals. So, for our descriptions of how the astral bodies and minds
of these beings function, we'll use the general term
On one level, Elementals are specialized types of
Theocratic bands. They are very large composite spirits containing
thousands of human astral souls very closely linked together. On
another, they are sentient creatures in their own right, with
personalities and emotions quite different from those of ordinary human
One thing we want to stress: Elementals and humans are not two
races of beings, but different forms of one race. The astral DNA
template of both is identical, but humans are the individual form and
Elementals are the composite form.
Composite physical life
forms exist on Earth. The bees, ants, termites, and other social
insects are the most intelligent of these. The Elementals bear the same
relationship to humans as an ordinary honey-bee colony does to a
primitive, solitary bee or wasp.
Griffith asks whether
colonies of social insects have a single very highly developed soul or
group mind, since the behavior of a whole colony shows much more
intelligence than the behavior of an individual.
The nature of
group minds depends on the amount of control they have over their
individual members. There are roughly four levels of control, though
each “intergrades” with the next.
These can be verbalized as cooperation, persuasion, coercion, and
Cooperation is working with others because your mutual
interests coincide, and the joint effort is of mutual benefit
without major concessions on the part of either party
Persuasion is essentially barter: "I'll do this for
you if you'll do that for me."
Coercion is similar, but the barter is negative: "I'll
do harm to you unless you do some particular thing for me."
Compulsion is direct control of someone else that
transcends that other person's
Earthly societies operate mostly by cooperation and persuasion,
with some coercion and only a small amount of compulsion. A bee colony
operates entirely by compulsion, almost in the same way that your brain
operates your body through the nervous system.
Human societies
resist becoming a true composite entity, for two reasons.
First, people have highly developed brains and are
fully intelligent as individuals.
Second, each person has a separate astral soul with an
astral will that resists outside control.
is possible to control the minds of living people by psychic compulsion
under certain circumstances, but this is very difficult. People strongly
resist such control because of their highly developed brains and
A bee colony is a composite entity because individual bees
don't have large enough brains to support true intelligence and because
they don't have individual astral souls.
colony of social insects has a single astral soul that is linked
to the body of every individual in it. The brain of a bee has very
limited capacity for storing information, and little programming for
processing data. Instead, the individual uses telepathy to pass
information to the astral mind of the hive. This group mind processes
and stores the information received from individual bees and does the
thinking for the entire hive, passing down its orders by
The collective mind of a bee colony shows intelligence
far beyond the reasoning and memory-storage capacity of an individual
bee. In fact, in certain narrow areas, this group mind displays a level
of intelligence almost equal to that of human beings. One example is the
colony's ability to direct the physical changes that individual bees go
through during the course of their lives to perform different
specialized functions: gathering food, cleaning and repairing the hive,
rearing the young, defending the colony from enemies, swarming to
produce a new colony, etc. A bee colony is actually better organized in
terms of division of labor than a human society.
Another example
is the colony's ability to control the temperature within the hive,
using a biological central heating and air conditioning system. When the
group mind perceives that the hive is too hot inside, certain bees are
instructed to act as living ventilator fans. They cling to the walls of
passageways leading to entrances of the hive, and circulate cool air by
beating their wings. When the hive is too cool, the entrances are sealed
with wax; but the bees serving as fans keep on circulating air, which
evenly distributes the heat generated by the metabolism of all the bees
in the hive.
Human societies are superficially similar to
composite entities, but they aren't true composites, because individual
people have independent intelligence and will. However, the human astral
soul has a strong potential for forming composite entities while it is
in a disembodied state, because souls can literally link themselves
together, as was described in the section on Theocratic bands.
There is much more compulsion in a Theocratic band on the astral
plane than in any totalitarian society on Earth, because
Theocrats attach their silver cords to other spirits and control
them as directly as the human brain controls the hands.
structure of a Theocratic band as described earlier is similar to a
wheel: the spirit controlling the band is the hub, and the subordinate
spirits are the spokes. Notice that the world's oldest surviving
religion, Vedanta, uses such a spoked wheel as its symbol. The
rayed sun used by many other religions is the same symbol, minus the rim
of the wheel. However, the rim is extremely important, because it
indicates that a Theocratic band naturally produces a structure of
astral matter separate from the individual souls attached to
In other words, over the course of time, a Theocratic
band develops its own astral soul and astral mind that is the
equivalent of the composite astral mind of a bee or ant
This is another important reason why Theocratic spirits
don't achieve true immortality. The longer a Theocratic band lasts, the
more it develops into a composite entity with a mind of its own.
At first, the controlling Theocrat completely dominates the group mind,
but eventually that mind becomes powerful enough to become independent,
and the band becomes an elemental.
The term "Elemental"
reminds Griffith of the Windigo legend.
Several North American Indian mythologies describe the Windigo as a huge, powerful disembodied
spirit that is capable of both reasoning and speech, though it behaves
like a predatory animal, not a human being. The legends say it eats the
souls of the dead on the astral plane, and can sometimes kill living
people and devour their souls as well. The Windigo is one of the
most frightening spiritual monsters in human mythology.
beings are described in mythologies from all over the world, but only a
few Elementals have become as dangerous as the Windigos. Most of
the Elementals that have formed on Earth so far have been less dangerous
than a large Theocratic band controlled by the spirit of some human
tyrant. Most Elementals that become independent of their creator are no
more intelligent than a human infant or a predatory animal. In most
cases, the Elemental stays in one place, feeding on the disembodied
souls of animals or humans that approach it. It was conditioned to do
this while still under the control of human
Griffith assumes this is why so many myths speak
of magic spells to "chain" evil spirits in one place. And it also
explains why primitive religions performed sacrifices and rituals to
placate the spirits that inhabited specific places. Elementals lived
there, and feeding them made it safer for living people to travel by the
Sometimes the "spirit of a place" was an Elemental,
sometimes a Theocratic band. It really didn't matter; both wanted
to be fed through sacrifices and rituals. The uninhabited areas where
such sacrifices were made were very often places where large-scale
religious sacrifices of humans or animals had once been conducted, where
a city had once stood, or where large numbers of people had died in a
battle or disaster. Any of these activities would have formed Theocratic
bands, which may have later turned into Elementals.
Elementals of this type are not particularly dangerous, because they
were formed by first- or third-stage religions, and aren't particularly
large or powerful. However, the second stage religions that practiced
mass human sacrifices created Theocratic bands that eventually formed
Elementals of vast power. Second-stage Theocratic bands had to be
extremely large because this was the only way they could exert enough
power over their living slave populations to keep the whole society from
collapsing. Invariably, such bands quickly became
Many ancient cities that practiced second-stage
Theocratic religion were abandoned after being conquered by their
enemies. Carthage is one example, and the Judeo-Christian Bible mentions
several more. No one wanted to live on the site for a long time, because
of the presence of large and dangerous Elementals. Of course, if
people avoided the place long enough, the Elemental would die of
starvation, making the area safe for human habitation again.
Windigos were a related phenomenon, except that the Elementals
didn't remain where they were first formed. The Windigos had
originated in those areas where the Incas, Mayas, and
Aztecs practiced second-stage Theocracy.
When a new Elemental formed in this region, the other Theocratic
bands attached to those tribes didn't try to chain it to one place, but
worked magic to drive it far away. Some of these banished Elementals
went all the way to North America and gave rise to the
Windigo legend. Others went to the southern tip of South
America, where the Aurucanians have similar
Similar things have also happened during modern
wars. The fate of Hitler and a number of the other top Nazi
leaders and their Theocrat friends on the astral plane after the
surrender of Germany in 1945 is an example.
Griffith wonders
about the persistent rumors that Hitler didn't really die at the end of
the war, but successfully fled Germany. He suspects that Hitler did
commit suicide in that bunker, but immediately took charge of a band of
Nazi Theocrats on the astral plane, and is probably still “up
there” today, sustained by the psychic energies of creeps and misfits
who continue to wear the swastika and practice the Nazi creed of bigotry
and violence.
The truth, says the Invisible College guide,
is much stranger than that. Hitler and hundreds of other Nazi leaders
fled as disembodied spirits to Japan to assist their Theocratic allies
there. They hoped that a D-Day-type invasion of Japan would prove too
costly to the Allies and that Japanese Fascism would survive after a
negotiated peace.
At this point, both the German and Japanese
Theocrats had access to enormous amounts of energy from the
millions of victims of World War Two, and they deliberately manipulated
the American government into dropping the atomic bomb to provide them
with even more victims. Their hope was to create an Elemental and use
its vast psychic power either to turn defeat into victory on the Earth
plane, or to flee to another world.
Fortunately, the attempt
failed, and the Theocrats involved were devoured by the
entity they were trying to create.
This Elemental still survives on the astral plane, and
will become an important focal point in the struggle between the
Invisible College and the Theocrats in the
Griffith: Does this mean that the Theocrats
themselves may be natural enemies of the Elementals?
is quite true. That's why the third and fourth stages of Theocratic
religion were invented: to allow Theocratic bands to remain stable on
the astral plane for long periods of time. However, either a
Theocratic spirit has to reincarnate or else its band will eventually
turn into an Elemental. That's a fact of nature.
The fact that
human beings tend to create a technology that allows the planet's
total population to increase steadily is another factor preventing
Theocratic spirits from becoming truly immortal. It's true that a
rising population generates new souls in large numbers, which in turn
increases the number of souls on the astral plane that are easy prey
for Theocratic spirits.
But this superabundance of souls is a mixed blessing, because
it encourages Theocratic bands to grow so large they go out of control
and turn into Elementals. This is why Theocratic religions often try
to inhibit technological progress, but such a policy is
Griffith: I see what you
mean. If the Theocrats keep their particular society from
developing technology at the same rate as neighboring societies, it's
likely to be conquered from outside. Can you tell me why human beings
have this instinctive drive to achieve technological
progress is caused by a process of Darwinian natural selection that
works on the whole society. Technology allows a society to survive
natural disasters, defeat enemies in war, and develop the natural
resources available to it more fully. All these give it an advantage
over any society that doesn't do these things. Cultures that encourage
their members to work for technological progress survive better than
those that don't.
But this particular cycle contains the seeds
of its own destruction: technological advancement on a primitive
planet like Earth invariably causes the human population to increase
to the point where exploitation of natural resources seriously upsets
the planet's ecological balances.
Most people on Earth are now aware that a population bomb is
ticking toward explosion.
Scientists are predicting that this
rape of the planet's resources will destroy the Earth's biosphere and
cause the extinction of the human species, or, at the least, destroy
technological civilization. Others are more optimistic. They predict
that almost everyone in the underdeveloped countries will die of
plagues and famines, but that the advanced nations will survive the
crisis with most of their population and technology intact.
Biologists on Earth already know that population explosions in
a particular species followed by massive die-offs are quite common,
and usually are not a sign that the species is headed for extinction.
Overpopulation/die-off cycles are commonest in successful species that
are trying to extend their range but are blocked by environmental
barriers. The process often creates new variants of the species that
can survive in a wider variety of environments.
We are
reasonably sure from our experiences on other planets that Earth's
biosphere is not so fragile that it can be destroyed by the actions of
human beings, except possibly by a massive nuclear war. We are also
reassured by the fact that the populations of all the technological
advanced societies on Earth are already reasonably stable, even in
countries like the Soviet Union [1988] where the official government
policy is to encourage population growth. However, we still broadcast
telepathic messages that urge people to take an alarmist position on
overpopulation and possible destruction of the Earth's
If Theocratic spirits and Elementals didn't
exist, there would be a massive die-off of poor people, especially in
the Third World, and then the Earth's population would stabilize and
an advanced civilization would develop.
Unfortunately, Elementals do exist, and they may eventually
destroy all human life on Earth, possibly all organic life of any kind
as well, unless we are able to stop them.
We've already
described how an increasing population forms new souls. If there is an
abundance of human astral souls at a low stage of development in the
astral plane for the Theocrats to recruit or feed upon,
Theocratic bands tend to grow larger and larger, making the creation
of new Elementals more common.
Right now, Earth has more Elemental spirits than it ever had
before in its history. And this is a very dangerous
As long as the Earth's population goes on
increasing, the existing elementals and Theocratic bands have a steady
supply of new souls to feed upon or recruit. But when massive human
die-offs occur, vast numbers of new souls will be stranded on the
astral plane at once. This overabundance of souls will cause thousands
of embryonic Elemental spirits to start growing very rapidly towards
adulthood. Once a young Elemental reaches a certain critical mass it
becomes able to seize and capture souls psychokinetically against
their will, something that ordinary Theocratic bands cannot do because
they lack the necessary psychic energy.
As such an Elemental
grows in size and psychic power, it can forcefully capture disembodied
souls at a higher and higher stage of spiritual development; if it
becomes big enough, it is able to devour ordinary Theocratic bands,
and finally even the astral souls of living humans. If this happens,
then most of the planet's human population, living and disembodied,
can end up being taken over and eventually devoured by a small number
of elementals.
These adult Elementals are then forced to leave
their planet of origin in search of a new food supply. They can travel
interstellar distances. Advanced civilizations can usually defend
themselves against such beings, but they can depopulate whole planets
at a lower stage of civilization very easily.
This is why the Invisible College is intervening in the
evolution of human society on Earth.
The natural order of the
universe is for people (not necessarily in Earth-type human bodies) to
start developing an advanced technology under the control of
Theocratic spirits. Such a world never gets beyond the second stage of
Theocratic religion, but it does develop enough technology to allow
the human population to reach into the billions. When it does, a
nuclear or biological war suddenly reduces the population, and the
Elementals and the Theocrats start fighting among
themselves over who controls the planet, and which Elementals will
reach adulthood.
Within a few years after this point is
reached, the adult Elementals leave the planet and go off into deep
space. Sometimes the sudden growth and violent end of the human
civilization destroy the planet's biosphere, and sometimes the
biosphere survives but human beings do not.
More commonly, a few living people and a few Theocratic spirits
survive and the whole cycle begins again and runs its course over a
period of thousands of years.
Griffith: How do the Gods differ from the
Invisible College: On the structural level, a God
is simply an adult Elemental, a huge colony of astral souls that
lives in deep space and absorbs the astral energy radiated by certain
The desire to form a composite entity is programmed into
the astral template of every human soul. This is a major reason why so
many living people desire wealth, fame, political power, and other
symbols of having control over others that simulate being the guiding
force of a composite entity. The ambitious earthly politician, the
aspiring despot, the "Man Who Would Be King," is just acting out in
the physical plane what his astral soul may be programmed to do on the
astral plane.
Disembodied astral souls do the same thing when
they become Theocrats. Readers have asked why Theocratic
spirits would want to remain on the astral plane indefinitely if they
must feed on other human souls.
This is the answer. Almost
every human culture has produced some version of the saying, "A man is
a God in embryo," and it's true. However, the astral template
also can program the soul to act as a sovereign individual, which is
why there are free spirits as well as Theocrats.
The extension of this influence to living people creates the
desire for freedom and individuality on Earth as
Griffith: This dichotomy is a partial answer to the
age-old "problem of evil." However, you are implying that both the
desire for individuality and the desire to form a composite entity are
just natural biological drives, too fundamental to be judged by terms
like good and evil.
Invisible College: This is why
human beings have a characteristic similar to neoteny. Elementals are
the adult form, but without a truly intelligent composite soul; they
are more like animals than people. Gods are also the
adult form, but have a highly developed composite mind. The
civilizations you call "space people" are made up of individuals that
reject the adult form.
A long time ago, the people on a
particular planet developed sufficient technology to allow them to
flee into deep space before adult Elementals developed and depopulated
their world. After the Elementals had matured and departed, the people
returned to their planet, whose biosphere had been badly damaged, and
lived in space colonies circling the world. By the time the planet
again became fit for human habitation, they had no desire to return.
They had become fully adjusted to life in their self-created
environment, and their knowledge and technology had reached an
extremely high level.
Since the population of their space
colonies was low, they were able to prevent the cycle of Theocracy
from re-establishing itself, but their society eventually found itself
threatened with extinction through sheer stagnation. After a certain
number of incarnations in a stable, "perfect" society, people became
suicidal. Large numbers volunteered to be teleported as disembodied
spirits to far-away planets in order to create life or guide the
evolution of existing life towards the development of
New souls replaced those who departed on suicidal
missions of creation, but this didn't stop the overall stagnation of
the culture: the generations who underwent their evolution in a
civilized environment with little real challenge became suicidal
through boredom even more quickly than those who had evolved
struggling to survive. Eventually, they tried to figure out a way to
balance life between danger and security - to create a dynamic cycle
that would allow advanced human cultures to survive
They forced some of their people to re-colonize
their planet under the most primitive of conditions, letting the
natural evolution of human society occur there. They allowed the
advance of technology to cause a population explosion, and didn't
interfere when Elementals started to develop.
However, they
manipulated the development of the planet's civilization much as we
are doing on Earth today. Their purpose was to interfere with the
natural human life-cycle in a way that would allow sovereign
individual humans to live in peace with Elementals, so that both could
realize their full positive potential and eliminate the negative
aspects of the individual/composite dichotomy.
The result was the creation of the first true
When the planetary population reached the saturation
point, and a mass die-off of souls at a low stage of spiritual
development allowed Elementals to grow to maturity, the advanced
civilization on the space colonies in the vicinity of the planet
managed to tame or capture some of these vast spiritual creatures, and
tried to turn them into civilized people instead of wild animals.
Elementals have the potential to be Gods, but they don't
realize it unless raised by their peers.
Elementals don't have
peers in the natural cycle of their evolution because they are the
composite form of another race. We individual humans are their parents
as well as their children, but we also have a destiny of our own which
conflicts with theirs.
This is why the space people
interfere with this natural cycle of human evolution. They
raise Elementals to be fully human and civilized by teaching them
to accept a symbiotic relationship with individual humans. Remember,
an Elemental is similar in structure to a Theocratic band, and it has
a place in its astral body for individual humans to attach to
In a primitive, animalistic Elemental, these attachment
points remain empty when the creature reaches maturity. To produce a
God, human astral souls attach themselves to these points as
the Elemental is growing and try to control it. If it overcomes them
and remains an animal, then it may have to be killed. If the spirits
win and tame the Elemental, it becomes a God.
God allows human spirits at an advanced state of development to
attach themselves and travel with it when it leaves its planet of
origin and travels into deep space. These spirits are mentioned in
Earth mythologies as "the sons of the Gods," "Elohim,"
and by many other names. Once the young God becomes fully
conscious, they stop controlling the God, and it stops trying
to control them. Both cooperate for mutual benefit.
As the
Gods travel through the universe, the Elohim who ride on
them can visit planets and create life there, or guide the evolution
of existing life, without having to die in the process as the original
Missionary Spirits did. The God cannot approach the
gravitational field of a planet very closely, but the Elohim can do so
and return, using psychic technology that the God creates
within itself. Another thing the Elohim do before they leave a planet
is to create an elaborate and self-sustaining network of astral
machines, which remains there for future use.
Much of what the
Invisible College is doing on your planet right now makes use
of such machines, which were left on Earth's astral plane by the
Elohim when one of the Gods seeded your planet in the
remote past. It might have been hundreds of thousands of years ago, or
millions of years. The devices are constructed of organic astral
matter. They are machines, but they are also alive as
plants are alive. This is why they were able to survive for
unimaginable periods of time. The equipment is capable of defending
itself from Theocrats and all but the largest Elementals, and
of sustaining itself indefinitely. It possesses an artificial
intelligence like a computer, but does not have true volition or
creativity. It repairs itself but it does not reproduce or
Griffith: Do the Elohim and Gods return to
a planet when it reaches the "Last Days" and new
Gods are about to be born? Most Earth mythologies imply
Invisible College: No. The Gods
normally visit a planet once. After that, they can call to their
children when they are ready. The Elohim can return to a planet, using
the same type of teleportation equipment that we use. Many of the
spirits in the Invisible College are in fact
Griffith: Are Elohim and space people different races,
or the same?
Invisible College: We are both the same
race or species in a genetic sense, because our astral souls are
capable of incarnating in the same types of bodies. There is not a
single race of space people or a single race of Elohim, though; there
are actually several of each that we are in contact with. Your occult
literature has for many centuries used the word "Elohim" to refer to
the beings we're talking about, just as it has called space people
angels. In general, the difference between the space people and
the Elohim is simply that those who live in space value
physical technology and life in a physical body more than the Elohim
Space people normally incarnate immediately after death, though
they can function quite well in the disembodied state if there is
reason to do so. The space people possess a high level of psychic
technology, much of it learned from their friends among the Elohim
people, but rely on it less to meet their total needs than they rely
on physical technology.
The Elohim have cultures that reverse
the patterns described above. They incarnate in bodies only for
specialized reasons, such as coming to Earth to assist with the birth
of new Gods. By choice, they spend most of their time in
the disembodied state, traveling the universe with the
Gods, or living in the astral planes of advanced
societies like and unlike ours. Some cultures of space people have a
very strong relationship with the Elohim, and others do not.
The ones who do often live with a lower level of physical
technology than those who do not; for example, they live on the
surface of planets rather than in space stations, and would rather use
biologically-engineered plants and animals than machines of metal or
plastic. They, like the Elohim themselves, make more extensive use of
machines constructed of living astral matter then we ordinary space
people do.
Another major difference between space people and
the Elohim is equally difficult to describe. It has to do with group
minds and the relationships between individuals within the society.
The Elohim like to link their astral souls together using methods that
are superficially similar to the way spirits are linked together in
Theocratic bands on Earth.
However, the Elohim are civilized, moral people, and would
never control or exploit one another when they do this. Their
group minds compare to Theocratic bands as sexual intercourse between
lovers compares to rape. We space people, on the other hand, do not
link our souls together in this fashion except very briefly for
specialized purposes: education, psychotherapy, etc.
It should
be pointed out that these differences between cultures are matters of
esthetics, not morality or level of evolution. Both groups are good in
the moral sense and highly advanced in the evolutionary sense. Of
course, the cultural differences between the two groups often create
political friction arising out of conflicting goals and values, but
this can be beneficial and stimulating to both sides if handled
correctly on the social level. An individual can change from one group
to the other, as a person on Earth might emigrate to another country
and become naturalized. Whole societies have made this change in the
past on the collective level, and adopted a new technology and
Over the last six hundred years, both space people
and Elohim have been coming to Earth in ever-increasing numbers.
Many of your greatest minds were directed by astral souls from
advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. And your whole modern Western
civilization is the creation of our political organization on Earth,
the Invisible College.
However, not all the space people
on Earth are our agents. Theocracy is not confined only to
primitive planets. Even advanced societies still have a minority of
people with an insane lust for power, and use planets like Earth as
places of exile for them. After spending a few lifetimes here, either
they will reject their Theocratic tendencies, and become rehabilitated
by joining the Invisible College and assisting in the birth of
the new Gods and an advanced human civilization on
Earth; or else they will be devoured by elementals during the Last
Days, as the new Gods are reaching
Griffith: This confirms all these rumors I've heard
about Earth's being used by other worlds as a hospital, or insane
asylum. But doesn't the presence here of people with Theocratic
mentalities and advanced extraterrestrial knowledge make survival and
spiritual development more difficult for the native Earth people? How
do you justify this ethically?
Invisible College:
Most of the memories are removed from the exiles' minds before they
are sent here, so they don't have the same type of knowledge that our
regular agents have. The majority of them have a vague feeling of
being alien to earthly society, but very few possess conscious
memories of life on other worlds, and they have no technical knowledge
at all. However, they do possess high intelligence and control over
their psychic powers: these are essential functions of the astral mind
that we don't have the right to tamper with.
Griffith: Science-fiction writers often assume that
advanced societies handle their crime problems by reprogramming
people's minds to rehabilitate them. Why don't you do this to your
criminals instead of sending them here?
College: We do employ such methods, but only on the less serious
cases. Every advanced society that's tried to eliminate all crime and
insanity from the population has ended up destroying itself. It's
impossible to program destructive tendencies out of the mind without
also eliminating good qualities like creativity. So exile is the
lesser evil. And having a few extraterrestrial Theocrats here
doesn't affect the average Earth person at all: They're really no
different from your own native Theocrats, and there's no
shortage of those. The presence of such people on Earth really has no
overall effect on events here, especially since about half of the
exiles eventually rehabilitate themselves and fight on our
Griffith: My personal psychic experiences and my
past-life memories tell me that the exiled criminals and the agents
sent here to direct the War in Heaven are only a small minority among
the extraterrestrial spirits now incarnating on Earth. What kind of
people are the rest?
Invisible College: There are
two main groups: refugees from physical, wars and disasters, and young
souls seeking development in the challenge of this hostile
environment. Both come here to be in at the beginning of a new
Griffith: Everything you've just described sounds like
what has happened on Earth during colonization of a new area. The
American West was settled by exactly the same groups: a cadre of
professionals who assisted the others, refugees fleeing poverty or
oppression, young people seeking opportunity, and a minority of
criminals running from the law. Australia is an even better example:
it started as a penal colony, and later attracted the other types of
immigrants as well.
Invisible College: That is a
very good analogy. And the presence of large numbers of typical
colonist types here ought to make your readers feel better: the
voluntary immigrants wouldn't come here unless they believed that
their chances of surviving and prospering on Earth were reasonably
Griffith: Just what are the risks? What are the best and
worst things that can happen on this planet, and what is your
prediction of what will actually happen?
College: On the positive side, psychic equipment for controlling
the development of the embryonic Elementals into
Gods instead of all-devouring monsters is functioning
extremely well. It seems to be completely adequate for its job when
the time comes. We also have plenty of spirits trained to operate the
equipment, and others to work with the embryonic Gods,
as well as Elohim to guide them home when they are ready to leave the
On the negative side, the Theocrats still have far more
influence on Earth than we'd like, considering your
state of technological development. We're not worried about the
eventual outcome of the battle with them. The Invisible College
is going to win, because we now have much better access to psychic
technology than the Theocrats do. However, unless the control
of Theocratic spirits over your technology can be broken fairly soon,
the Earth's biosphere will be seriously damaged before the Last
It's going to be a near thing.
Griffith: Are you referring to things like the
destruction of the ozone layer by organic halogen compounds, the
greenhouse effect, etc.?
Invisible College: These
are only two out of a long list of symptoms, and not even the worst
ones. For example, some of your medical researchers are becoming aware
that insecticides and other poisonous chemicals cause mutations in
bacteria and viruses that create new diseases, but they have not yet
realized just how great a potential danger this is. Over fifty million
years ago, the dinosaurs became extinct because of diseases caused by
chemical pollutants released by the impact of large numbers of comets
with the Earth during a visit of the Sun's astronomical companion, the
Griffith: What happens if the Earth becomes
uninhabitable after the majority of the population dies off during the
last Days and the new Gods
Invisible College: It may be possible to
start an advanced civilization of reasonable size on space colonies,
as has happened on many other worlds. This is the most probable
outcome, the way things look right now. However, if there is
largescale nuclear or biological warfare, the last Days may come
so soon and be so short that this won't be possible. That's the
worst-case scenario, and if it happens, we will simply have to
evacuate as many souls as possible to other worlds, using the same
psychic equipment that we use to control the
Griffith: Well, that sounds better than the prospect of
universal death that everyone on Earth would face if the
extraterrestrial spirits weren't here.
College: It is, but it still isn't a good situation. Only astral
souls above a certain state of development can be teleported out of
here. Weaker souls would not survive the journey. Now, all of the
agents and immigrants and even the rehabilitated exiles are strong
enough to survive the journey out as they survived the journey in, but
many Earth people aren't. This means that many ordinary Earth people
will die under these conditions... but they will survive if this
planet continues to support physical human life, or if it's possible
to build space colonies in time.
Griffith: Knowing this, it's easy to see why you're
pushing the New Age movement and the
resurgence of occultism so hard. You want people to strengthen their
astral souls through practicing psychic development
techniques, because that increases their chances of
survival, no matter what happens.
Invisible College:
Psychic development alone does not guarantee survival. Theocracy on
Earth is now entering a fifth stage of development, which is
based on electronic mind control
instead of religious mind control, and on belief systems with no
obvious ties to organized religion.
Fifth-stage Theocracy can entrap living people into
group entities similar to Theocratic bands by linking their
souls together with ties of astral matter, and people capable of
entering the psychic trance are not as resistant to it as they are to
the religious stages of Theocracy.
The Fifth Stage of
fifth stage of Theocracy employs electronic mind control instead of
religious mind control, and it can enslave people who subscribe to belief
systems other than those of organized religion.
fifth-stage Theocrats have much stronger psychic powers than
ordinary Theocrats, because they have access to psychic machines of
the same type we use, and they are also able to control elementals to some
extent. This allows them to control people sufficiently advanced in
personal psychic development to resist ordinary religious mind control,
and to deceive people capable of recognizing that fourth-stage organized
religion is a tool to enslave and exploit human beings.
On a purely
technical level, this is not a serious threat to our plans to liberate
Earth from Theocracy. The Elohim races who originally perfected the
astral-matter technology are allies of ours and enemies of Theocracy.
Their agents, and our agents who have received training directly
from them, have much more complete knowledge of how to modify and use this
equipment than any of the Theocratic spirits have.
[Griffith asks if these "agents" are living people or
disembodied spirits.]
The rumors that certain living people
have advanced knowledge of psychic technology are untrue. Only
disembodied spirits who have never incarnated on Earth can have this
knowledge -- it's far too complex a set of astral memories to survive
the incarnation process. Living Earth people do make use of this
technology, but they are analogous to the users of a computer system,
not to the technicians and system operators who actually run it. And the
use of this equipment by the Theocrats and the living people who
work for them is directly analogous to what computer hackers do on
Earth: they have direct control of only a limited amount of software,
but they use it to make unauthorized use of the whole
[Griffith has noticed that much of the literature on
operational magic resembles manuals for using computer systems. For
example, lists of "secret names" and "words of power" seem directly
analogous to passwords for accessing computer files and commands for
instructing the system to perform specific functions. He also see a
resemblance between "magical languages" like Enochian and computer
languages. The same holds true of numerological and literological
systems. And many magical spells and incantations have a structural
similarity to computer programs.]
That's exactly what they
are. All those books that tell people how to work magic by controlling
demons or other spiritual entities are quite literally manuals for using
psychic technology.
Our code name for the network of psychic
machines left here by the Elohim has always been the black
network, which is the origin of the term black magic. It has
nothing to do with morality, but is strictly a technical
[Griffith observes that this is an unfortunate choice of
terminology, as is the identification throughout history of the forces
fighting Theocracy with the devils of the various organized religions.
Why, he asks, do you do this?]
We already explained why we
identify ourselves with the spiritual adversaries of the
Gods of Theocratic religion: that's simply a matter of
operational reality. We oppose the Gods; therefore we are
devils. No matter what terminology we use, the Theocrats would
say that we are morally evil and encourage people to sin, so we might as
well follow our own custom. Of course, people should compare what we do
with what the Theocrats do, and decide for themselves who is good
and who is evil.
The use of the term black magic for
psychic workings performed with the aid of psychic technology has a
similar grounding in operational reality. The energies radiated by
astral-matter machines appear to be black in color when perceived with
the psychic senses, whereas the energies radiated by human astral souls
- including those of Theocrats - appear to be white or
bright-colored. This has a physical cause related to the frequency of
the radiant astral energies themselves: the former appear absorptive and
the latter reflective.
All use of psychic technology radiates
"black" energy and all use of people's own psychic powers radiates white
energy, and this has absolutely no relationship to whether these
energies are being used for good or evil purposes. The
Theocrats long ago identified black magic with evil because the
black network was designed by the Elohim, who are their enemies, and the
Invisible College has always made more extensive use of it than
the Theocrats.
Fifth-stage Theocrats work through organized
religion, but they are not tied to it as strongly as are
Theocrats using more primitive methods. They are capable of
turning almost any group of people into a Theocratic cult and
any ideology into a Theocratic doctrine.
The spectacular corruption and explosion of the Peoples Temple is an example of what they
can do to a religious group, but the Symbionese Liberation
Army affair - the kidnapping and conversion of Patty
Hearst - is proof that they can work through a purely political group as
well. Right now [1988], they are trying to turn many rock groups and
their inner circles of fans into Theocratic cults, and they have also
corrupted a number of occult and New Age groups.
This ties in with what we said earlier about "living
The best example of how fifth-stage Theocracy
operates and how we are fighting it involves subliminal warfare through
the electronic media. This began in the Sixties, when many idealistic
people in the counterculture tried to form new religious systems to
replace Judeo-Christianity. On the overt level, their attempts produced
the New Age movement and the present revival of traditional occultism,
but the process has had an even more important effect on Western society
on a subliminal level.
high percentage of the imaginative novels, movies, and television
programs produced in the last twenty years contain hidden messages about
the war between the Theocrats and the Invisible College.
And popular music today is an even more effective tool for mind control
than it was in the Sixties.
soon as we started this subliminal warfare, the fifth-stage
Theocrats began using it too, and both sides have been fighting
desperately for control in this area all during the last twenty
[Griffith very quickly noticed the magnitude of this
warfare when he started doing research for a book on the role of popular
music in the War in Heaven. Many of today's rock songs tell the same
story, over and over again. It's like reading passages from the diary of
someone gradually going mad in an old horror novel. Every new rock group
starts out with a few normal protest or love songs. Then they get
swallowed by a group mind controlled by fifth-stage Theocrats, and from
that point on, all their songs sound as if they were written by the same
person. However, this Theocratic subversion is often not complete, and
periodically one of the groups still writes a song about the fight to
liberate the human race from mind control.]
A number of
musicians who are also highly skilled magicians have set out to train
and control some spiritual beings that they believe are young
Gods that can eventually oust all Theocrats and
Invisible College spirits from the astral plane, leaving them in
control of this brain-washed spirit and thereby the rest of the world.
Furthermore, they all believe that they will somehow merge with
this creature and become Gods themselves.
Griffith: This sounds identical to what you said in the last
chapter about the Elohim and the birth of new Gods, yet
you seem to be taking a negative attitude towards it
Invisible College: The actual situation is
extremely complicated. Some of the people in this movement are working
with Elohim, and their efforts will allow the elementals they are
training to become Gods. Such people are themselves
Elohim-in-training. However, the majority of people who are involved
with this are actually working with Theocratic spirits who lack both
the morality and the technical knowledge to raise their elementals as
true Gods. These elementals will cause a great deal of
harm during the Last Days, and they will almost certainly devour all
the spirits and living people linked to them.
These "false
Gods" are controlled through astral-matter machines
belonging to Theocratic spirits. Some of these machines can generate
immense quantities of psychic powers and allow magicians to do
spectacular acts of magic, which convinces them that they are truly on
the way to becoming Gods, but this is just another
deception. They are merely on the way to becoming Theocrats by
imitating their methods and morals. The Theocrats treat the
embryonic Gods as domestic animals and use them for
their own selfish purposes just as they use other human spirits,
living people, and psychic machines.
The Theocrats are
able to deceive many people who study the higher levels of Western
occultism, because many famous magicians of the past are now
Theocrats. The best example of this deception is in the
medieval alchemical mythology about the Homunculus which was
later picked up by the Golden Dawn and Crowleyites as
the Magical Child theory.
One element in this theory is the idea that properly trained human
magicians can control Gods or other spiritual beings
much more powerful than they are if they know the proper spells and
secret names.
Any magician who applies this concept to contact
with the Theocrats, or to units of the astral
psycho-technology, or to elementals, is entering on very dangerous
ground. The Theocrats are quite willing to let magicians think
they are controlling them, and will assist them in working all manner
of magic using their various passwords. However, the more the
magicians use this system, the more mental reprogramming signals the
Theocrats send back along the linkages being used.
This reprogramming affects both the astral mind and the
physical mind, and there is a grim irony in the phrase "You
yourself are the instrument." Anyone who collaborates with
Theocratic spirits to do magical workings is putting his or her
own astral and physical mind directly into the reprogramming
Griffith: The medieval literature on alchemy and ceremonial
magic is full of protective spells and charms that
magicians are supposed to use to protect themselves from being
affected or taken over by the Gods, demons, or other
spiritual beings they are supposedly enslaving to work for them. Are
you saying that none of these protections
Invisible College: Not if the magician is in
contact with Theocratic spirits. And the closely related concept that
magicians cannot be affected by the entities they contact to work
black magic if they are "pure in heart" is equally false. The
Theocrats don't care if people are virtuous or not; their
mind-control linkages will corrupt magicians slowly but surely. There
are many living magicians walking around right now who think exactly
like Theocratic spirits. They think they are Gods, they
think they are immortal, they think they have the right to control
other people and disembodied spiritual beings to do their bidding, and
they drain psychic energy freely from others like psychic
Another mythological element the Theocrats use
to deceive traditional Western magicians is the concept that the Atman
or higher self of a human being is itself a God, and that if an
organized group of magicians merges their higher selves, they can
collectively create and control a new God capable of becoming a
major force in the world of the living and of taking on an equal
status with existing Gods. This whole mythos is based on
the desire for power over other intelligent beings, which, of course,
is one of the principal causes of Theocracy.
From our point of
view, the entire mythology is completely false. It is based on a
number of false assumptions about spiritual reality that you have
already thoroughly debunked in this book. The key fallacy that
underlies everything else concerns the so-called "higher self." It
exists, of course, but it's no more Godlike than the lower
self. The higher self is nothing more than the astral soul with its
astral mind and psychic powers. Becoming a magician is nothing
more than putting the physical mind in conscious contact with the
astral mind and using the psychic powers in the astral soul.
The medieval alchemists and cabbalists developed excellent
practical techniques for doing this, but their theoretical
explanations of how it worked were completely
Griffith: How does the information you just gave relate
to my experiences with modern rock music? For example, I sometimes
seem to hear messages with my name in them. Is this how people get
entrapped into Theocratic electronic mind-control networks? And what
exactly are the messages - actual subliminals in the music itself, or
telepathic messages that use the music as a focusing device for my own
psychic powers?
Invisible College: This form of
electronic mind control is extremely powerful, and much more is
expressed in electronic signals than an analysis of the surface
message indicates. Modern rock music is not just a melody and a lyric
with a few specific subliminals added in such a way that they can be
easily extracted.
If it were, then computer scientists on Earth could put songs
in digital form, separate out the subliminals that had particular
effects on people's minds, and actually write a sort of computer
language out of them that could be used for simple kinds of mind
control. For this reason, both the Invisible College and the
Theocrats deliberately keep the subliminals far too complex to
be analyzed and cracked with present Earth computer
Don't assume that the voices you hear on records
speaking your name, or various other word patterns that you think are
personal and unique to you, are proof that some living person or some
disembodied spirit has the same verbal knowledge that you yourself
possess. This simply isn't true. The mental programs that human beings
use to deal with language involve a lot of what you could call
"computer enhancement of images" and also "high-level computer
The actual subliminal sounds mixed into recorded music and
broadcast on radio and television are more like a computer machine
language than either an ordinary spoken Earth language or a high level
computer language that resembles such a spoken language. They are not
words or even phonemes in English, but patterns of sound that produce
certain reactions within the speech-interpretation programs in the
listener's mind.
For example, when you think you hear your name
being called, the signal is probably not your name as an Earth person
at all, nor your name where you came from, but a descriptive term in
machine language that refers to a specific type of person. It's
comparable to sending a narrow-band radio signal on a certain
frequency; if anyone has a set tuned to exactly that frequency, he'll
hear a signal.
Some of the Theocrats and many spirits in
the Invisible College know what kind of people are here doing
various jobs. If they want to communicate with such people, they send
a group of machine-language symbols that a mind of one exact type will
receive, and no other. If you are that type, you will hear your name
being called, or will otherwise be aware that someone has a message
for you. What you don't seem to be aware of is that only you or
someone exactly like you can hear the signal if it is specific enough.
Some of these call codes are more specific than others. Some can be
heard by nearly all conscious extraterrestrial agents; others by all
extraterrestrials, period; and some by everyone with a certain degree
of psychic development.
Many of these subliminal messages have
the same effect on the human mind, which on one level is computer
software, as programming commands sent into an computer. In other
words, receipt of a group of machine-language symbols by your mind
causes a particular program to start running, if you are in the
correct state of consciousness and if your mind possesses the program
in the first place. This is why the voices you hear in the music seem
to be trying to recruit you to their side or to scare you off from
interfering with their activities. Do not jump to the conclusion that
the senders have conscious knowledge of who you are or what you are
doing on the level of Earth-plane activity.
They know that many
different people are doing research into electronic mind control, and
that among them are undoubtedly some conscious extraterrestrial agents
with the correct mental programs to understand messages of the type
you are now receiving from us. They also know how to send messages
directly to you through music subliminals, because they know some of
the mental programming you have to have to do your job. They are "on
your wavelength" or "they know your language." So, no matter who they
are or which side they are on, they try to get you to join them or to
keep you from interfering with them.
Another thing you have to
realize is that these messages that you can now receive because you
have the right programs loaded into your mind are not new. Many
different groups of spirits and living magicians have been sending
such messages for years. That hasn't changed; it is you who have
changed. You can now hear and see the messages, whereas a few months
or years ago you couldn't. What you are receiving is quite real, but
it isn't quite what you think it is either. You think that the
messages are much more specific than they are. You think that they are
aimed at you as a unique individual.
They aren't; they are aimed at a type of person doing a certain
type of job and possessing certain kinds of mental
[Griffith asks how to distinguish subliminal sounds put into
the music itself on the physical level from telepathic messages sent to
people when they listen to the music.]
A few modern records
contain subliminal messages in ordinary English, but these aren't really
important. They are usually quite crude and easy to spot, and are little
different from the ones you are familiar with from the Sixties, like the
"Turn me on, dead man" back-mask on that old Beatles record. The
back-masked sounds on many rock records have a much simpler explanation
than you presently think. First of all, the vast majority of them are
not put there for any deliberate effect, but just to make the sound
richer and more complex.
Modern recording engineers have a whole
library of natural and artificial sounds available to them when they
work, and they have it all labeled by various nomenclature systems of
their own. If they want a particular effect on a particular record, they
usually know approximately what kind of item in their library is
appropriate. Then they listen to samples and pick one that seems right
and insert it into the mix. But they almost never know what that sound
was originally, nor do they care. The recording they hear is already
backwards or otherwise mechanically distorted. It is not meaningful to
them except for whether or not it fits the sound criteria they need for
the job at hand.
Now, when you use your own sound-mixing
equipment to distort this sound until it becomes meaningful and you can
recognize its origin, you are usually doing something that the people
who mixed the record did not even do themselves. The information you
obtain by doing this is not a secret message sent by them. The whole
process is as fruitless as taking a book that is being used to prop a
window open, and reading the contents to try to find out why the window
was opened or who opened it.
The important subliminals in modern
rock music are nothing as easily identifiable as English words. Some of
them are machine-language symbols that evoke particular words or
phrases; when you receive these, you may think you are hearing words in
sound, but an oscilloscope would not register the same pattern as it
would from the same words actually spoken. In other words, you could
"hear" the same group of words from two completely dissimilar
oscilloscope patterns of sound. Some of these machine-language groups
are so basic and so powerful that a person who spoke a language like
Chinese would still hear words with about the same meaning.
However, most of them would not even get through to another
speaker of English unless the person also had the correct mental
[Griffith asks about "Raudive voices," named for
a psychic researcher (Konstantin Raudive) who postulated that
disembodied spirits could impress their voices onto magnetic recording
tape. He has received a large number of messages of this type during his
music research. Are they put there by spirits who psychokinetically
manipulate the molecules in the tape, or is there another
The messages are not on the tapes, but in your
mind. Spirits perceive the pattern of background noise going onto the
tape and key it to a telepathic message they're sending into your
subconscious. You can consciously retrieve the message when you listen
to the tape. The proof is that sometimes more than one person will hear
the same message on a particular tape, sometimes not. Also, if you
listen to such a tape frequently, you can learn to retrieve the message
without it.
Both we and the Theocrats use this method of communication
frequently, on music tapes as well as tapes containing only
Griffith: The scope and effectiveness of the electronic
mind-control techniques you have just described give the fifth-stage
Theocrats much more power to control people than the religious
Theocrats have ever had. However, Western civilization still
seems to be evolving towards the goals set by the Invisible
College long ago: an increase in individual sovereignty in all
aspects of human life, a decrease of bigotry and closed-mindedness,
and a higher level of general knowledge and sophistication in both
technological and social areas.
I assume that this is why you
remain optimistic about the future, but nevertheless, many of the
people who commented on Spiritual Revolution [a preliminary edition of
War in Heaven] expressed serious doubts about the future of the human
race on Earth. They believe that nuclear war, biological warfare, or
destruction of the Earth's biosphere through pollution will prevent an
advanced civilization from developing on this planet, no matter what
the Invisible College is able to do.
College: We are still optimistic, but these fears are quite
rational and deserve to be discussed in more detail. Our wars with
the Theocrats over the centuries have always involved
battles over the evolution of physical technology, as well as the
programming of individual mental software and the design of social
institutions. During the last few decades, this technology war has
become one of the most important aspects of the whole
We've already described the major aspects of this
technological warfare in some detail: mind-altering drugs and the
electronic media. We will next discuss other aspects that are just as
important, but are not as easy to identify because they don't involve
direct mind control. They are factors that operate behind the scenes,
but they are going to play a principal part in determining the
ultimate destiny of civilization on this planet. If the Invisible
College retains control of these factors, Earth will eventually
take its place among the advanced human civilizations.
If the Theocrats get control of them, then the physical
planet Earth is doomed, and those of its inhabitants who survive will
do so only as refugees on other
Technology War
Due to rapidly-evolving technologies and geopolitical events
since the 1988 publication of War in Heaven, information
in the area of The Technology War is now partially obsolete and
in need of updating.
I present here a very brief summary of the state of the
Technology War at that time, category by category. Kyle
Griffith will provide a current look at this area in the WiH
The Birth Control Pill
The pill, not birth control in general, is important
because the way in which it interferes with the menstrual cycle can
enhance women's ability to gain control of their psychic powers –
something the Theocrats always try to suppress.
effect is related to changes that take place in the somatic soul
during early pregnancy as it prepares itself to bond with a
reincarnating astral soul. Birth-control pills simulate early
The AIDS virus was created by
Theocrats by using psychokinetic genetic manipulation to
alter a relatively harmless African venereal disease virus.
need to find a vaccine for AIDS through genetic engineering was one of
the chief reasons why such research was sanctioned and financed on a
large scale. And genetic research is far more dangerous than atomic
research in its potential to produce a wider variety of weapons of
mass destruction, more easily and cheaply. The risk of accidental
release of such weapons is much higher than the risk of accidental
nuclear war.
Right-wing reactionaries in 1988 were conspiring
to pressure governments to treat AIDS with benign neglect and to
withhold vaccine from public distribution for as long as possible
after it was discovered. This would allow AIDS to spread very deeply
into the Third World, so that the means of preventing or curing it
could eventually be used as a weapon to further First World
This power-brokerage scenario could be used with
other biological agents as well.
Strategic Defense Initiative
The actual goal of this program was to do basic research on
lasers, magnetic pulses, and other forms of coherent radiation,
leading to the development of electronic disruption
The Invisible College was mostly concerned
that such weapons would fall into the hands of terrorists and Third
World nations, enabling them to upset the balance of power between the
superpowers of the time, which was preventing nuclear
The Last Days
Griffith: Before you start your discussion of the Last Days,
I'd like to know more about the predictions of Nostradamus. I've never
believed it's possible to predict the future very accurately, yet his
prophetic poems have always impressed me a great deal.
Invisible College: The predictions of Nostradamus are extremely
deceptive. The people who think he was able to predict events like the
French Revolution and the Second World War are wrong. Most of the
quatrains that seem to have come true contain specific details that
matched historical events by sheer chance.
For example, one of the latest [1988] to "come true" involves a
quatrain that tells how "one from France" will depose the Shah of
Iran. Since the leader of the recent Iranian Revolution did in fact
come out of exile in France to depose the Shah, the prediction did
come true in a sense.
But we assure you this was pure
Griffith: I've always felt the same way about the
predictions of historical events between the time of Nostradamus and
the present. What has impressed me are his visual images of modern
technology. Some of his verses contain what seem to be accurate
descriptions of airplanes, submarines, missiles, conventional and
nuclear bombing, chemical and biological warfare,
Invisible College: Nostradamus had visions of
all these things that were quite accurate, but this had nothing to do
with prophesy. Physical technology develops along similar lines
on many different worlds, and the images he described were taken from
the historical records of some advanced
Griffith: In other words, he had past-life memories that
included the equivalent of historical movie footage of the development
of technology.
Invisible College: Yes, and he also
received some of the images from extraterrestrial spirits sent here
especially to do that particular job.
Griffith: However, it now looks as if his predictions
that the Last Days on Earth will occur at the end of the twentieth
century may very well come true. How do you explain
Invisible College: This had nothing to do with
his visions about the development of technology. The information was
supplied to him by the Invisible College, and was simply an
educated guess, based on our knowledge of the development of other
civilizations. However, it is important to realize that what was
predicted was not the Last Days themselves, but only the
potential for entering them.
Earth is obviously at that point right now, but we still
cannot predict exactly what will happen next, or when. The situation
is extremely complex, both strategically and ethically, and to some
extent we are forced to wait for events to determine their own
Griffith: It looks to me as if the advanced
extraterrestrial civilizations that are manipulating the evolution of
earthly society are divided into two factions with conflicting goals.
the Elohim are here to assist in the birth of new Gods,
the space people are here to create a new civilization
similar their own.
Invisible College: This is completely correct, and it is
a difficult political situation. The Elohim have a strong claim here
because of the astral technology that their ancestors left on this
planet long ago; but they also want to maintain a good relationship
with us, so they will allow us to found an advanced civilization of
individual humans on Earth if possible.
There is no emotional animosity between the two factions, and a
complex set of rules to determine how the situation is handled. And in
one sense, the Earth people themselves will determine the fate of
their own world.
Griffith: Exactly what do you
Invisible College: If a major nuclear war
occurs before Earth has established viable space colonies, no advanced
individual civilization will develop here. And even if such colonies
are established, the fate of hundreds of millions of individual souls
depends on the course of history from now until the Last Days. If the Earth
is still capable of sustaining human life after the Last Days,
many more people can be saved than if the new civilization is forced
to live in space.
Griffith: This brings me to a subject I really don't
want to think about, but it's so obvious from everything you've said
so far that I do have to ask about it. The population of Earth is now
well over five billion. How many of them have a reasonable chance of
surviving as individuals? I already know that the majority will be
assimilated into the new Gods as they develop, and I
find this concept absolutely appalling. Is there really any difference
between such a fate and simply being devoured by Theocratic
Invisible College: The Elohim say there is
a difference. People at a low stage of spiritual development who
become part of a God do not die, but retain the potential to
incarnate on some other world in the future and continue their
Griffith: This means you are admitting that the majority
of the people now alive on Earth do not have the potential of becoming
like you, but must cast their lot with the Elohim and
Gods, or else be devoured by Theocrats and their
animalistic Elementals.
Invisible College:
Griffith: Do people who have not evolved spiritually
over the course of many earthly lives have a chance of determining
which fate awaits them during the Last Days?
College: Yes. Most people who die while the new Gods
are forming will survive. The more advanced will survive as
individuals, and the rest will be assimilated into the
Gods. However, those already in Theocratic bands or
animalistic Elementals will not survive. That is why we originally had
you simply warn your readers about Theocracy and stop there.
This alone would be enough to save the majority of Earth people at a
low stage of spiritual development.
As long as such people avoid Theocratic enslavement after
death, they stand an excellent chance of
Griffith: Why are you complicating the issue by making
the rest of the information in this book
Invisible College: The main reason is that
Theocrats have already communicated much of it to living
people, but in a form that serves their interests, not those of the
Elohim and space people. It is no longer possible for us
to say that Gods do not exist and that people should strive to
survive death as individuals and reincarnate.
Griffith: Please clarify this.
College: During the last twenty years [1988], the
fifth-stage Theocrats have manipulated millions of Earth
people into believing a cosmology based much more closely on the truth
than are the traditional religious mythologies.
Instead of asserting that people have to submit to the will of
an omnipotent deity to survive death, they are now saying that
individuals can merge with the Godhead on a more equal basis.
This is one of the basic tenets of the New Age mythology, and
it's just close enough to the truth to be extremely
Griffith: I understand what you mean, but can you help
me put it into words more clearly?
College: The concept that an Earth person can merge into one of
the young Gods that will form during the Last
Days, and still survive as an individual, is true. However, ANY
THEOCRATIC BAND. It is quite true that spirits from the Elohim races
and other souls at a high stage of development are now preparing
certain embryonic Elementals to become Gods, but they do not
recruit ordinary Earth people to help them.
It's a job for specialists, and such people know who they are
from birth. They don't need to be recruited, nor do they need to be
told telepathically who and what they are. Anybody who is told
something different is being deceived.
Griffith: In other words, Gods do exist.
No, I mean they WILL exist, but Earth people should pretend they
don't, and should make an effort to reincarnate after physical
Invisible College: We're all doing our best.
Now do you see why we're telling you all this?
Griffith: Isn't there a better way to communicate the
information than putting it into a book like
Invisible College: Of course, but it is a good
first step. Having the information in coherent verbal form in an
earthly language makes it easier to communicate it telepathically to
large numbers of people. And the more people who read the book and
write or talk about the ideas in it, the better. WAR IN HEAVEN is just one
tiny part of our efforts to spread this
Griffith: I still don't think that more than a tiny
fraction of the Earth's total population will be exposed to this
information before the Last Days arrive, if they happen within the
next few decades.
Invisible College: What you're
thinking is that most Earth people live in Third-world countries, and
because of that will not be given a chance to decide their fate
during the Last Days. This is a reasonable fear, and it points
out one of our greatest problems: timing.
Griffith: I understand. If the Last Days come reasonably
soon, large numbers of people will have no chance to decide their own
fate. But the longer the Earth's population remains at its present
level, the more damage will be done to the
Invisible College: You have stated the
problem very well. Most of the steps we are taking to solve it involve
direct psychic battles with Theocrats and Elementals,
which we will not describe for security reasons. All that you and our
other conscious agents on Earth can do is try to spread the verbal
information we are giving you and hope for the
Griffith: Are you willing to talk about when the Last
Days will occur?
Invisible College: No. They could
happen tomorrow or in two hundred years. It's best for you not to
speculate about timing in print...
Handbook for the Recently
Q. Please summarize what you want me to tell people that
will increase their chances for survival.
A. Everyone who understands and accepts the basic
information in this book should make a conscious effort to develop his
or her psychic powers during
life. It's a basic survival skill that every human being needs to
know, and the rudiments of it are not that hard to learn. The majority
of occult and New Age groups are capable of teaching a person enough
basic psychic skills to attract the attention of friendly spirits on
the astral plane after death. If such a group isn't available, people
can learn such skills by working with almost anyone who already
possesses them, just using trial and error. However, we want to make
it clear that the process requires real effort, applied regularly over
several years.
We also have another word of caution for people
who have accepted the information in WAR IN HEAVEN as true, but are
not serious occultists with highly developed psychic powers. They
should read accounts of point-of-death experiences and learn to
recognize the common tricks that the Theocrats use to enslave the
unwary after death.
Q. Yes. I've read all those stories about the dying
person being met by spirits who claim to be deceased relatives or
friends, deities or messengers of deities, there to welcome him or her
to the afterlife. I suspect that many people who believe the
breakthrough information while living may suddenly forget it when
confronted after death with the "shade of their beloved mother,
come to welcome them to heaven."
In other words, "Seeing is believing." A direct emotional
confrontation of this type might have more weight than any rational,
intellectual knowledge received during life, especially to a soul who
has just undergone the trauma of dying.
A. That is an
accurate and vivid description. We still lose people that way every
day, in spite of our best efforts.
Q. What can people do to avoid such
A. The only sure defense is to achieve a
certain degree of psychic development.
The Theocrats are able to practice such tricks only if the
psychic senses of the deceased person are being activated from outside
by the Theocrats' telepathic transmissions. If the person's
soul is actively perceiving the astral environment with its own
telepathic and clairvoyant powers, it can usually perceive the true
nature of the spirits forming the "greeting party." This is difficult
to put into English, so let's just say they "look phony" or "have bad
The closest we can come to an actual description is that some
of the psychic control mechanisms that the Theocrats use to
enslave other spirits on the astral plane become perceptible to anyone
who psychically "reads" them actively, instead of being communicated
with while remaining passive.
Q. This is one of the elements of the breakthrough
information that will frighten certain readers, especially when they
realize that many of their deceased relatives and friends may be
slaves in Theocratic bands right now. Suppose such a person does meet
his or her dead mother or some other loved one on the astral
A. The important rule is: KEEP YOUR DISTANCE.
THE ASTRAL PLANE. Free Spirits rarely communicate telepathically.
[This may refer to encounters shortly after death.] They don't
approach other spirits closely, even when they assist them in
reincarnating, but instead "talk them through" the process.
Remember: "TALK, BUT DON'T
Q. I've never seen this written down before, but it
becomes obvious when pointed out. You explained earlier that the
Theocrats enslave weaker souls by literally attaching
themselves to them, allowing energies to flow directly as they do
within human nerve tissue; but I didn't realize the full significance
of this until right now.
A. Yes, it's information that
can literally "save your soul." Unfortunately, it's as difficult to
communicate warnings like this to Earth people as it is for parents to
warn their children about child molesters. It's not hard to tell them,
"Don't get into cars with strangers or accept presents from anyone you
don't know," but much harder to deal with the fact that a large number
of molestation cases involve close friends or family members. All we
can do is repeat that it is a universal custom among non-Theocratic
spirits to always keep their distance from one another. It's
sad that we have to do this, but the Theocrats give us no
The most important thing about this is that it requires
psychic skill, not just intellectual knowledge. The more conscious
control that people develop over their psychic senses and powers
during this life, the better chance they have of surviving on the
astral plane after death long enough to reincarnate.
Disembodied spirits see by clairvoyance, communicate by
telepathy, and move by telekinesis. If you don't have
conscious control over these psychic powers, you may be blind, dumb,
and paralyzed after death. If you're lucky, you'll discover after you
reach the astral plane that your soul contains residual memories from
a previous life that give you access to these powers; but it's best
not to bet the life of your mortal soul on it. Learning psychic skills
is a lot of work, but we strongly recommend it to everyone who makes
the breakthrough.
Possessing intellectual knowledge about the
nature of spiritual reality is not as essential to survival after
death as having basic psychic skills; but we still recommend that you
learn as much about the subject as possible, from this book and all
other available sources. The more you study the facts about
Theocracy, the Invisible War, and spiritual
cosmology, the higher the probability that you will remember some
of this information when you need it most.
The time of
greatest danger on the astral plane is immediately after
death, when the astral soul is still traumatized by the shock of
separating from the somatic soul. Theocratic propaganda has created
the myth that some deaths are "easy" and "natural," and that only
sudden or violent deaths are traumatic. In reality, the snapping of
the silver cord is as big a shock to the astral soul as the loss of a
leg is to the body. It's true that some deaths are more traumatic than
others, but none are ever "easy."
On the other hand, the worst
thing people can do when they die is to refuse to admit they are
dead. There's a universal myth that people can prevent death if
their will to live is strong enough, so they fight the process with
all their strength and courage. Our advice to people who feel they
might be dying is to remain as calm as they can, concentrating all
their attention on remaining conscious and alert, not
on fighting to remain alive. You'll lose nothing by doing this,
because in most cases there is absolutely nothing you can do by an act
of conscious will to stop the physical process of death if you are
indeed dying.
However, vigorously fighting against the death process
significantly increases the post-death trauma. to the soul, rendering
it more vulnerable during the first few crucial hours on the astral
Q. In a number of point-of-death experience
accounts, the dying person refused to touch or embrace the
spirits he or she encountered, usually because of some vague feeling
that it "just wasn't right" to do so. However, in other accounts,
there is close contact but it has a negative effect: a painful energy
exchange, often compared to an electric shock, occurs, and the person
on the point of death has the sense of "returning to the body." In
still other cases, the greeting spirits themselves refuse close
contact and say, "Go back, your time has not yet come." How do you
explain all this to make it evidence to support the concepts you're
A. The important thing to remember when
reading an account of a point-of-death experience is that the
person relating it was never actually dead in the first place.
Definitions of physical death are imprecise, but not the definition of
death as perceived by spirits: detachment of the silver cord from the
somatic soul. Once this happens, death is irreversible; the astral
soul cannot reattach itself.
The people who have
point-of-death experiences are simply close to the point
where the astral soul detaches from the somatic soul, close enough to
attract the attention of other spirits who get ready to receive them
into the astral plane. The same physical trauma that brings the person
close to death also produces a state of consciousness in which the
physical mind is extremely passive and the astral mind is awake and
active, allowing easy psychic communication with spirits. We should
point out that only "old souls," those at a high stage of spiritual
development, have such experiences.
This is why such people
sometimes recoil from contact with the spirits: their psychic
perception is keen enough to spot that something is wrong. However,
even if this doesn't happen, close contact with the other spirits
still cannot result in Theocratic enslavement. The soul of the dying
person remains attached to the body and continues to receive energy
from it through the silver cord. It is this energy that produces the
electric shock effect if contact does occur.
Of course, most Theocrats are knowledgeable enough to
refuse such contact themselves, to avoid the shock. However,
Theocrats vary in knowledge, so both kinds of point-of-death
experience occur.
This ends our transmissions on the War in